wow, didn’t expect that :p
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
wow, didn’t expect that :p
guess they were really interested in the weather in Iraq in the last few years, weren’t they? 🙄
let me know when you figure them out, k? 🙄
in japan they have very few actual goths. they’re more into gothlolli’s (gothic lolitas) and assorted cultures. It’s a different but in some aspects similar culture.
it was created as a reaction to the western goth culture , which has a lot of symbology and reference in style and music to older western cultural aspects. Since they lacked the western influence a bit they infused it with “typical” japanese aspects as well (the little girl image), mimicing dark versions of victorian style porcelain dolls or dark little girls. The men there just tend to dress to a more androgyn fashion and wear make-up to enhance that effect.
well, that’s what i’ve dug up over the years on em anyways :s
hello my fellow countryman! 8)
I’m not a vampire, just interested in the whole thing surrounding it.
I have a great interest in many sub-cultures.
as for the rest, I’m flemish and my french decent one day, horrible the next (depends on the circumstances I suppose).
I live in Erembodegem (next to Aalst) in East-Flanders.
‘llo Viktor. Good to have you here 🙂
not exactly my cup of te for the most part.
did enjoy the underworld movies though.
they’re all pretty normal… but my shrink says they’re “imaginary ” 🙄
Ho Ho Holy shit that’s a nice piece of hardware! 😛
and a merry belated winter solstice to you all as well 🙂
(the only thing good about xmas for me is seeing such xmas greetings like the one Dame Noire put up, for which my thanks :))
and this 😈
god I love a good breakcore rave :p
try coming to belgium.
we’ve got the best beer and junkfood in the world! 😈
AND (even though I doubt it’ll intererst a lot of you) we have THE leading breakcorescene in the world. 🙄
what does sexuality have to do with all this?
Being gay doesn’t change a person save for who they want to get in the sack with.
with most gay or bi guys I know you just don’t notice until they start hitting on some dude.
Now if you’re refering to the overly feminine kind… they kind of annoy me after a while, as do those whom are too extravagant with all that stereotypical gay shit.
If that’s what makes them hot then I really don’t understand you people 😯
@maestro wrote:
Which is on purpose, because 1f j00 c4n r34D 7h15, j00 r3411y n33d 70 637 l41D 😀
lost me there man 8)
@necromancerza wrote:
I had no idea we where in a game.
As everyone here are not gamers and to allow everyone to read the forums with ease, we have a certian unofficial code.
pl332 R3fr41N pHrOM l33T Wh1l3 po5T1n’ on t3h 8o4RD2 . Th4NK yOU 😉
sorry, was just posting on another forum before heading here and it sorta transfered with me :).
but don’t worry, it’s the only l33t-speak I commonly use cuz it’s very hard not to understand. All the rzst confuses the hell out of me as well :p
I’m newer than you are so I don’t know you… but welcome back anyways 😀
‘llo, I’m one of those n00bs maestro was refering to.
A pleasure to meet you 🙂
because reality blows and ppl suck (most of em anyway).
it seems to be the way things are these days, not much one can do to change the general mentality of those with which we share this putrid clump of interstellar dirt.
@Navre wrote:
if your paying in euro your definetly using stuff I prolly have no clue about revlon as far as Im aware is an american brand. stop using make up when i got the current job. Kinda frounded upon. so if what your using now works rock on if not trade up lol
I only wear it on weak-ends. it would freak out the professors when I go to college if i’d wear it during the week :p
personally I just like the laid back atmosphere I find at those parties.
I mean, the music is great, the ladies look ravishing, the ppl are nice in general (I’ve encountered hardly any elitist shitspewing around here) and i always ahve a great time there.
I mean, I attend all kinds of other parties (and raves) and in most cases it’s just not so relaxed as at a cyber/goth/whatever event.
I’m waiting ’til newyear.
My best mate is going to apreciate starting his year with stuff like that :p
@maestro wrote:
@WithdrawalFX wrote:
I think I did convey my message clearly.
You did but i just disagree 😀
ah, I see where you’re going now
(and the ‘ I did’ was suppossed to be ‘I didn’t’, type-o 🙄 )
@maestro wrote:
Well, mind how no industrial band ever claims to be gothic.
I’m uncertain if “gothic” as you define it would have survived for so long if the line was drawn strictly at batcave. Of course many of the tradgoths have the opinion that everyone else doesn’t really belong on the party and should be kicked out – but that would leave three very lonely tradgoths and two illegal immigrants mopping around their feet, nothing anyone would open a club for.
I also wouldn’t say EBM and stuff literally put “new blood” into gothic, since many of the techno people are actually older than the available tradgoths, but i think it’s at least partly due to the other new style elements that gothic didn’t vanish into oblivion. Without new people the tradgoths who really saw the batcave time would have moved elsewhere now just to not have to talk to each other only for decades.
Which also brings me to the different topic of how high the “recruiting factor” of goth parties is
I think I did convey my message clearly.
I meant that all those “new” style were a good addition to someone who has take goth as their way of life, but I think the name “goth” in music shouldn’t be used to describe anything but the initial styles like they were in the batcave days.
Its like all the ppl these days calling anything remotely harsh and electronic “industrial”. Same thing, ppl who initially listened to industrial can add all the other stuff as well but you don’t have to name everything “industrial” because of it.
Am I making sence?
If not, I appologise but my mind wants to say so much but my fingers can only type this slow 🙁
to me, true gothic music is the stuff from back in the day they played at the batcave and the likes.
all the other stuff ppl seem to regard as gothic these days (ebm, darkwave, noize, industrial, synthpop/futurepop, etc.) simply isn’t imo. I’m not saying a goth can’t like it (since I regard being goth more as a way of life then a pref in music) but the ones that actually had the right to use the name imo are those gothrock/wave bands from the past and those that are in that genre.
as a belgian, I really like our fries (they’re not french, as many yanks seem to think, they’re belgian!)
we’ve actually got special fritshops who specialise in frit and assorted meats and burgers, but not like that goddamn mcdonalds.
I love it sooooo much (‘m addicted… junkfood junky aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)
whenever any of you lot visit belgium, go eat fries at a “frituur” with mayo or ketchup or something with a boulet (sort of meatball) or frikandel or whatever. you’ll love it! and wash it down with jupiler! (our beer rules as well).
god I love all-night fritshops :p
isn’t this what the introductions thread is for? 😯
welcome 🙂
you know, with the way things are going these days, I actually forgot that there were times that the US of A had a WISE president…
thanks for reminding me, my northern neighbour 🙂
woohoo! I’m not the über-noob anymore!
welcome to the board, hope you’ll find it to your liking here (I know I do :p)
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
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