yeah, see it as sexual karma: what goes around cums around :p
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: Gul Dukat: Der Held, den wir nicht verdienen
yeah, see it as sexual karma: what goes around cums around :p
@Robc666 wrote:
If i even tried it she’d break my arm. She’s very hypycritical like that. Still, i’ve got a birthday coming up so who knows, she might treat me.
keep your fingers crossed (no pun intended 😉 )
@Robc666 wrote:
Thanks for the sugestion. One or two fingers may have been okay, so i’ll mention that to her next time she tries to sneakily fist fuck me.
yeah, and if she refuses just see if she’s so fond of it herself 🙄
and I’m backing you up on it 😀
I don’t really get what being a vampyre has to do with their taste in music.
As far as I know you don’t HAVE to listen to what all the other vamps are listening to to be a vampyre 😕
or am I totally mistaken ?
I almost pissed my pants when I saw this 😆
@Robc666 wrote:
It was strange, not too bad but not too pleasing either. Maybe i was a little too freaked out to really emjoy it.
try again next time, just tell the misses to take it slow and not jam the whole hand up there straight away.
Who knows how great it might turn out to be? 😕
@Robc666 wrote:
Had a strange experince just the other day. I was hav=ing sex with the new lady in my life decided slide three of her fingers up my arse. Now, this may seem normal for all you degenarates out there but it was a whole new experince for me.
I found oddly and disturbingly arousing.
Let me know about your weird experinces, perhaps i can convince my new woman to give them a go.
with men the ass is supposed to be an erogenous zone… 3 fingers is a bit much though :s
don’t think I’d enjoy it 😕
@Robc666 wrote:
I never saw it. When was it on?
Imagine how he would have felt had they gone just a little farther. Think about it: You[‘ve come while thinking about and watching your sisters tits? Its little better than insest….EEEEWWWW
well, here in belgium I believe early last year there was an action to make young ppl aware of the dangers of cybersex because a few pervs had gone at it again.
the second one was one of the campaigning vids they used on TV :p
well, put up the wee banner on my myspace page…
does that get me a pvc slut already? or can I get one on loan? :vamp:
the last one actually aired on tv for a while in these parts :p
joined, my SN is Knightmare on there, in case anyone is wondering 8)
@InsidedistuO wrote:
but there is something about this one…… 😈 awsome!!!!! 😉
Anything from lithium picnic is usually top notch photography imo 😀
@Robc666 wrote:
Thanks M, i’m glad to hear it ‘cos i like Type-O-Negative.
What about Lacuna Coil? I like them aswell but aren’t sure if they’re goth or not.
Not that it matters, i’d still listen to them even if they aren’t, but i like to think i’m slowly coming over to the dark side.
nothing really goth about lacuna coil. they miss the vibe.
they’re just moderately commercial metal with a darker touch to it now and again 🙂
welcome to the board, good to have you here 🙂
@necromancerza wrote:
I`mWell there you go, He will not get good reviews because he is not “under controll”.
What Hollywood does not own they discredit.
the fact that the movies suck also weigh down a bit 🙄
well lets face it, he shouldn’t act like he’s a good director.
he managed to destroy great concepts for movies based on videogames and piss off all the ppl who love those games so much.
If he wants to make shitty flicks that’s his choice but that dude has to keep his defiling touch away from videogame franchises (I hate his guts for what he did to Bloodrayne, despite having kristanna loken and michelle rodriguez in the movies 👿 )
welcome to the slaughterhouse!!! 😈
well, the VTK boards anyway ;)… we’ve got blood and the galeries are full of exposed meat so slaughterhouse isn’t THAT inaccurate 🙄
welcome 🙂
@maestro wrote:
Somebody should cast a lightning or something..
*puts on robe and wizards hat … * 😉 🙄
to each their own 🙂
okay, point taken, I’ll behave 8)
@necromancerza wrote:
Within Temptation – Ice Queen What`s up with the special effects?
I prefer the clip with the concert footage and slight storyline to it.
@Robc666 wrote:
Their music is okay, but you can’t take them too seriously.
Does anyone like Within Temptation. I’ve never seen them but i’ve seen a few of their videos on Scuzz and thought they sounded and looked great.
within temptation nowadays are mediocre but they used to be pretty damn good (before they hit mtv).
Evanescence… dunno, I liked about 3 songs of their but the rest kind of blows.
also, it irritates the shit out of me when ppl relate them in any way to the goth scene (and that happens frequently around here 🙁 )
^that’s just either plain ignorance or plain heartlesness
^ good god 😆
hilarious :p
I’ve read the other stuff countless times before on other sites and boards but it NEVER gets old 😈
at the risk of sounding like a complete internetidiot: What’s a troll? 😳
well, when it comes to vampires I’m still a bit in the dark.
I got interested in it a while back when I read an article on the web about a special vampyre club in NYC (quite exclusive because normally they wouldn’t allow such a thing).
I joined here in the hopes of picking up a bit more info here and there and meeting new people with different views on things than myself and learning a bit from them.
the fact that these people happen to be a cool bunch helps sticking around of course 🙂
I think I understand the feeling.
Personally I also believe some boundries are just meant to be broken, about other things I sometimes wonder why it is some people act weird about it whilst I myself see it as just another expression of human individuality (of which we don’t have enough in this world).
Now if those taboo’s are stemmed from moral issues I might be able to condone society’s shunning of it. (like the taboo involving getting off on children, don’t really mind keeping that one).
But as for appearance or taste in matters I sometimes find it appaling the way people can react solely because someone is different than they.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
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