that made me fall off my chair laughing 😆
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
that made me fall off my chair laughing 😆
a classic:
bunny suicide. there are loads of em on the internet, and I love em all :D:
funny because it’s true 8)
@InsidedistuO wrote:
ok. this movie may be cool and all… but I want THUNDERCATS….
lets see a movie like this with them in it… 😉
transformers were a boy thing… lol I guess im not seeing the awsomeness… LOL
thundercats was pretty cool back in the day, especially snarf! 8)
that is … not what i expected… but i wanna see it!!!!! 8)
don’t let it get to you. ppl who really know you won’t think anything of it and the opinions of those who don’t know you shouldn’t bother you so much. When pl ask you tell them the score, otherwise just pay no heed to it.
*sings along*
a bit late but… congrats 😉
Welcome! have a drink, take a load off, share a disturbing anecdote and make yourself at home 😀
@xXpsycotic_autopsyXx wrote:
yeah..i’m a newbie here too…….my name is vanessa and i’m also 17.i am from helsinki finland 🙂
NICE TO MEET U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
fresh blood… lovely… welcome! 😈
@Navre wrote:
And so it has been a long while since I have posted anything new here….
it’s been a while since anyone posted anything on here 🙄
and I must say I like the poëtry, for some reason it stirred something inside me like it was familiar of sorts… yup, I liked it 😀
@necromancerza wrote:
Not a problem 😉
What did you get?
I downloaded a simple slideshow from Underworld and the whole matrix scrolling code thing 😀
kicks serious backside 8)
necromancerza! thanks for the links, finally found something decent. Thanks a lot 😀
think i’ll check it all out (especially the Nvidia ones, have an old GeForce card in my pc :p)
Disciples of Annihilation – NYC Speedcore 😈
@Ytnurg wrote:
well i got mine directly from but you could always try file planet if you haven’t… can always make your own screen saver which is basically a slide show of your choice of pictures and music
making one myself is a last resort. a slideshow just isn’t the same as a really trippy one like there used to be on the next all over the place.
@Ytnurg wrote:
you can get a Blood Rayne screen saver if your a fan of vampires, but hey who really likes vampires anyways eh? 😉
I’ve tried that one, from different sources but after installation it doesn’t wat to kick in 🙁
@maestro wrote:
If there was a way do deactivate them i’d buy some for our lawn.
But while it would save me time and effort, i’d really only be bargaining the manly act of fuel and blades against some wierd ass walking clouds. Defecating on the very spot i’d like to place my grill to roast their children on.
there is a way to turn em off… it’s just… you know… permanent 8)
*makes chopping motion with hand*
@InsidedistuO wrote:
sheep are kinda creepy…… 🙄
never seen one in real life.. but a friend of mine is terrified of them … wonder if there is anything to that???
they’re cheap lawnmowers in my case.
Our neighbour has cheap and we let them graze in a closed off part of our backyard. We’ve never had to mow the grass on that part for as long as we’ve lived here 🙂
welcome to the board.
damn that date…
guess my consolation will have to be gothic festival 2007 here in belgium :s
haha, class post 😆
thos pics made me moan 😳
gotta love those demotivators :p
here’s the rest [web][/web]
like the other dude said, either very insecure and only thinking of the extra competition or a homophobe.
I hope for his sake he’s the first kind because all those usually need is for someone to show them the merits of bisexuality 😉
was talking about the comic.
and it’s not your fault you’re slow *pats your head*
we all know the beer is to blame for that 😉
I love shit like this!!
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…