This is why it’s taken so long..!
Afghans keep stealing the manuals to turn-on the nukes…. 🙄
This is why it’s taken so long..!
Afghans keep stealing the manuals to turn-on the nukes…. 🙄
Couldn’t resist could you Nec?
Yeah. Roleplaying here is “banned”… Though if you slip it past our Mods.. You get a prize.
*throws his welcoming package at him*
This contains :
One scratched Wumpscut Album ( Evoke )
One busted blow-up doll of M.B
A vial of fresh blood
And a little dolly that screams “Oh God…. Stop The Pain..!! Please let me go” Whenever you hug her.
The design suggest America.
And we wonder why there are so many paedophiles?
Fuckwits. 👿
Oh bah at you M! That was a blow at my ineptness, not yours as a WebMaestro.
I did admit to extreme laziness there.
Some were going up but due to some nasty little coding bugs, I’m unable ( and lazy enough ) not to bother for a while again Necro. Nice jest though.
And I bet it is , I bet it is. Blowing the load is definately a serious business….. Especially when it’s all over a keyboard. 😈
Can’t be bothered. You guys can do it for me, you’re probably admins on that site anyways.
Touche to all.
MBM has the final say but come on, there will always be con-artist companies, and stupid people. If one doesn’t laugh at them, then you’ll go completely insane.
Learn from them, don’t join the nay-sayers with their emotional hang-ups. In the end, only this will save you.
M, you have it all wrong! They look like this. 😯
In refferal to my obvious preferences… And not pointing out your lack of seeing that both sexes come from that freaky fish. I look like this. 😈
Complete difference. 🙄
Plus as a added bonus… I think I’m the one getting laid here…Not Mr/Mrs Confused It
Evolution takes it’s sweet time.
So obviously, you’re following this example?
And that’s why we Multi-task people.
Can’t a hacker get a blowjob and program Unix at the same time?
Perth – Western Australia.
Pretty much the only one from here *smiles* Only active one *winks*
Welcome Ashiri,
This is your welcome package :
Banana peels, two weeks old
Dead baby figurines
And a poster of your truly! 😉
Welcome to the
We own you now. 😈
Gag reflex anyone?
VTK – I 4ve b33n oWn3d!
End of Story.
Hmm…. I nominate myself.
After all, I have the biggest ego due to the fact I am one of the oldest to exist here.
And have countless unused profiles to my name due to not remembering the damn things!
So it should go :
1. Vixen “Viscious” De’Vandes
2. Necromancerz
3. Sunrava
4. Whoever else wants to come on board
Only when the world is thrown down, will our figment of happiness be given up to the glorious joys of war and pillaging.
Thank you Narve. I am honoured. Above and beyond the call.
Greeting Pierce.
I think I would know you already, PerthGoths rings a bell about your name.
I’m Viscious Vixen, also known as Vix or even “Good God.. look at that bitch there… Man I wanna be like her…”
Humor me.
Welcome to where cutting wit will gain you Kudos points and where N00bs are our playthings!
Your welcome package is me in a box with a razorblade – Chucky Style!
V.TK – Need I say More?
V.TK – Ow3nEd!
V.TK – You couldn’t cut it here
– Get some lube, you’re V.TK’s bitch now!
– Have been, Have seen, Ain’t leavin’.
VR can’t hold a candle ( re-mix with any “vampire” site)
– First dibs on the N00b!
– Not for Sophomores!
– Cutting Wit? Dripping Sarcasm? Come on in, We’ve been waiting.
And the old Favourite ” V.TK – We are Watching “
Nothing like this……
This is a pretty damned successful Hunt. :boom:
Pugsley! Get off your sister…. You know only to do that when she’s not bleeding!
Welcome Countess
*hands over the razors, the lollipops, Sunrava’s credit card and Narve’s brains*
Your customary welcoming gift.. Use it wisely….We never quite know what …anyone will do here
Improvisation isn’t a bad idea at all. Especially when you break said item, and the look of shock on the partner’s face is enough to make one crack with laughter. …. Until they brign out their other toy… And the look on yours is priceless.
Well done for a first attempt.
Though you never asked, here is my opinion:
Yes, it is lacking slightly. Nothing major.
Your arrangement of words could be improved, but I like it.
Description needs to be more detailed for it to waver away from the standard invocational speech given in a magickal rite.
Length, with description isn’t an issue, but the force of your intentions in the Epic shows that you may have wanted a strongly based Saga, but it’s weak where you have wavered.
I am pleased, and look forward to more from you Navre.
As in all things, you live, you learn, you improve and the best works as always at the end of the road.
Dying isn’t an Optional, Immortality is a Lie.
I lost mine recently too..
And hell, I could be pregnant too…
( Again…)
Now… Two words.
Grow up. I’m sure you’re a great chick. But you need to really take things onto yourself. Learn from your mistakes and and utilise the fact that you’re generally a smart person. So start being observant, starting paying attention and use your wits.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can actually have fun and act mature.
@fizz wrote:
this is mainly 4 girls,but if guys would like 2 post any commets,they r more then welcome 2.i have an ackward ? if ur bf leaves u after having sex,was he just useing u?….me and my bf were busted by my mother
and now he is going 2 b serving some jail time,and like i put in my other post i might b pregnant,and he is thinking about leaving 2 georgia……..was he just useing me and playing w/my mind the whole time just 2 get some?…..can someone pleaz explain 2 me why?
Admittedly, until a few days ago I couldn’t comment on this. I would have offered fluff bunny support and generally looked like the fairweather friend. But you’re in the wrong place if you think you’re getting it now.
It’s people like you that make me puzzled at the world, but fucking glad I am not having kids. You’re kind are out there breeding enough for me not to worry about having little puppet slaves for when I’m older.
me and my bf were busted by my mother
and now he is going 2 b serving some jail time,and like i put in my other post i might b pregnant,and he is thinking about leaving 2 georgia
I’m going to guess your boyfriend was busted for Statutory Rape… Well That falls back on you darl. You put him in jail. Your fault. Don’t blame your mother for walking in ( btw, what the fuck were you thinking about having sex while she was home? Are you a big prat of some kind? ). It sounds like you were asking for it to happen so don’t cry if he leaves you and you end up pregnant.
Should have thought of the consequences before you opened your legs.
Learn a lesson from me, only open them if you’re willing to accept the responsibility darl. I’m not being mean, I’m saying that you’re an idiot for not learning, you’re a twat for thinking that you could get away with it and you’re a moronic fuck for seeking opinionated sympathy from the females on this site.
I think, if you use your brain. It’s pretty damn obvious what he was after, what he got and why he’s gone.
I noticed I am the only one to reply to this.
Maybe because no one else will dignify it with a response. Or I’m some secretively delegated burner to fuckwits…
Whatever it is.
There’s my opinion.
Becareful of what you ask for. You just got it.
Oh, and if I’m wrong. I’ll be glad to do this all over again. Provided you prove me wrong in the first place.
Don’t cry; Your make is pathetic enough without those fake tears in your useless eyes.
A few
All of the suggested and here’s a few good oldies
Nick Cave – Fifteen feet, The weeping song, Red Right Hand, into my arms, sheep may safely graze etc.
The Bangles ( Shades of Winter only)
Henry Rollins
Very cute in a droll way Necro.
You’re quite welcome from myself Fizz… I can’t speak for the others.
This particular little man has taken all the vamp boards, disreputable or not, by storm for simply doing so 8O.
I would imagine that he has come with condemnation but who gives a toss if he’s giving entertainment to the rest of us? 😈
An Everyday thought : That person really must die
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