Did anyone but me go to the shop section of the Tru Beverage website, hoping to actually buy some? Boy, I’m thirsty…..
Deutschland, Land der Dichter und Denker, international bekannt für zwei Sachen: Falls jemand Deutschlands größte…
Did anyone but me go to the shop section of the Tru Beverage website, hoping to actually buy some? Boy, I’m thirsty…..
You know, I don’t think you even wanted to discuss this topic………
I think you just wanted an excuse to put up that list……
Oh, and you forgot “dirty pillows”.
Very nice.
By any chance, do you play Adventure Quest?
You’re quite welcome. Anything I can do to help, I shall.
Yes. Sadly, nipples count as nudity.
Just as a word to the wise, M…….. You may want to take the nudity off of the myspace page. I’m not exactly certain, but I do believe that nudity is against the code of conduct or whatnot on Myspace. I’m glad that VTK finally has an account there, and I’d hate to have it shut down so quickly, before we have the chance to take over the site completely.
Long live the VTK revolution!
I am so pleased that someone brought this travesty of a movie into a forum topic…..
The movie that you have heard about is loosely related to a very good book for young adults called (as you may have guessed) Blood and Chocolate by an author named Annette Curtis Klause. This book, along with another of her books, dealing with Vampires, The Silver Kiss, were among my favorite books during high school. Blood and Chocolate was a book that I had always hoped would have been made into a movie, but done properly. In other words, following the book as closely as possible, without taking as many “artistic liberties” as modern Hollywood is so apt to do. Sadly, as with most of my hopes for books turned into movies, this movie completely decimates the quite decent storyline of a teenage female loup garou and her Pack having to deal with living in a world of intolerant and fearful humans, as well as her falling for one and having to deal with the inevitable consequences. All this movie seems to take from the book is character names, and the ill-fated love of a werewolf and a human. Please, if any of you have any remote interest in this movie, read the book first. You’ll quickly understand my anger, and my desire to slit the throats of the screenwriter for this movie, and the people who approved this movie for production, if I happen to meet them in a dark, deserted alley…..
*steps down*
Here’s your soapbox back, Sunrava. 😛
My, this topic hasn’t been visited in a while….
I suppose I have some criticism for your poem, since no one else seems to be willing.
I find your poem to be too perfect. There are no apparent flaws in spelling or grammar, and since it was basically freestyle, it didn’t have to conform to any specific form. It held my attention far too well, and the imagery was too beautiful.
Over all, you just did too good of a job on it.
Oh, shit……..
Simply brilliant……..
Though I would simply love to share with all of you my sexual exploits, I sadly have had none to speak of in over a year (I know, unbearable to some of you, myself included), and I doubt that any of you would want to hear me whining and complaining of my lack of a sex life on a daily basis, since that’s all that seems to fill my mind these days. This is also a reason why I don’t post much in the forums much these days, (as some of you have commented on) as I would rather not be an annoyance.
I’m sure Necro is having a heart attack just thinking of what it would be like to not get any for over a year… 😆
In any case, this is my rant for a while, unless someone else happens to inspire me to do so again on another topic. 😈
Christ, what a douchebag…… 😛
Seriously though, I’m suprised I was actually able to watch that whole thing. All that for being called a douchebag? I wonder what she would do if someone really insulted her. She seemed to have a bit of a dual personality, with fustration leading to flare-ups of vicious agression, and then immediate appologies for it. What a peice of work…. Not to sound insensitive mind you, but I honestly think she needs to be smacked, told to just shut the fuck up, and have her webcam and microphone removed, so she never makes another one of these again.
On a side note, I think this girl is certainly a whiny little fuck who needs to grow up, but certainly doesn’t warrant the title of emo. That’s just a bit too insulting.
He’s done a lot of work for Cartoon Network, including His song Brains featured on an episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. You also have to love his song The Masochism Tango. It’s always put a smile on my face……
According to that link, the videos of the Jeopardy SNL parodies were removed, for legal reasons. Damn you NBC…….
Naked News has been around for quite some time in Canada, and is easily accessible through Pay-Per-View. For all intents and purposes, it’s an average news show, except for the fact that all of the reporters and anchors are beautiful women, who strip as they speak.
I’ve read this before, and it just gets funnier and funnier every time I do….. Anyone ever read the one with the Wizard’s hat?
I’ve already started one. It’s called the VTK Bloodfiends, and anyone who’s in VTK is welcome to join, as long as they can meet the level requirement that will be in place by July 9. Once you join the clan, just message me on the game, and let me know what you’d like to be called for your ranking.
It’s great to have you back. I hope to see you in the chat room soon. 😀
Mmm, spam…
Spam makes a great sandwich when fried to a golden brown. ^-^
My, this is an old thread.. I hope to be getting a VTK bumper soon. I plan to plaster them everywhere. 😈
Welcome to the site, it’s nice to have you here. Hopefully your stay here will be long and painful……er……ah……pleasant. 😈
There will be tea and cookies in the Main Hall of the chatroom around 1:00 am, 12:00am central, if you’d like to join us.
I’m always around if you have any questions, comments, or just feel like talking to someone, feel free to send me a PM. After all, I’ve nothing better to do. 😛
If you’d like to join as a Vampire, please feel free to use this link to sign up. The game’s a lot of fun, and can get addicting quick. 😉
To all who join, have fun.
Well, I’m glad you had a good time at WGT. I can’t wait for all the great pictures you took. I have to say, I was going through a little VTK withdrawal, while the site was down….. I actually left the house. It was kind of scary…..
Welcome to the site, I hope you’ve enjoyed it thus far. I’m Vincent, one of the many residents here. If you’d ever like to chat or what not, you can usually find me in the chat room. If not, feel free to shoot me a PM. If Maestro hasn’t said it all ready, We hope you are willing to stay, and tell as many people as possibleas you can about the site.
On a side note, Dani Filth is a pretty nice guy. He seems to like clove cigarettes, yet no one else in the band smokes… Either that, or they don’t take cigarettes from strangers.
Eh, it’s Disney porn. Funny, but nothing very new. If I remember correctly, the first pornographic content was a picture of a woman’s breasts that was patched into a single frame of a disney movie, though I don’t quite remember if it was snow white, or bambi.
And have you the freakishly long white hair, awesome black armor, crystal blue eyes, and the Masamune to go with that monumentous name, then? 😈
So I should assume Belos, that it’s you who keeps taking all of my lighters.
That has got to be one of the weirdest and coolest things I’ve ever seen.
I’ve been meaning to ask you, Maestro. Where did you get that awesome neon racoon with the top hat for your icon?
Deutschland, Land der Dichter und Denker, international bekannt für zwei Sachen: Falls jemand Deutschlands größte…
Die #Ukraine leider, #Israel kämpft gegen seine Nachbarn und #Trump ist auch nicht mehr ganz knusper.
Was tun wir?
#MikeCheck, 1,2,3