Fake or real, as long as I can slobber all over them, they are beautiful to me.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: 15 Horror-Probleme, die komplett überschätzt werden #AnglerFisch #DemonFish #LittleLight #AnglerFish
Fake or real, as long as I can slobber all over them, they are beautiful to me.
Right on hon. When next we bump into each other online you will need to tell me all about it.
Amen to that Maestro. Nec, theres been a back order on the welcome gifts.
Welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay. Hope you make some friends and all that.
Lemme just get this outta the way…. Too much has happened to me lately. Lets see, got a girflriend, girlfriend moved us to Montana, lost said girlfriend. Went to South Dakota, couldnt find a job. Went back to Washington, still couldnt find a job. Came to Idaho, found many jobs. So here I am in BFE, no friends, no money, but I have family and 2 or 3 jobs. Geekin’ for companionship, and nowhere to look. At least the town has more than its share of liquor serving establishments. Wee for me.
Missin you all,
Woot… I cant wait… this is one of my favorite bands.
Some advice dear… learn to use it to your benefit. There are many ways. People can only know what you let them know, and rumors are like myths… they are based somewhere in fact. Dont let it bother you, but use it to your advantage, as to weed out those you find dont really care for you.
OOOOH I cant wait… I miss these guys.
Shes already had two hehehe.
And man does she open up, hehe. Gods Im in love with her. Just in case you havent guessed yet this is as IO would put it “Ravas Bitch.” Enjoy the site hon.
Blah blah blah all this support group crap gets on my nerves… wouldnt make any waves if it was Meth or Crank…. but cuz its a new phenom people feel they need to make it known that there are support groups for yet another addiction. Even Catholic Priests are allowed two vices, countem two, to keep them in touch with sinners. Get over it…..
Rant over… Rava out.
Can I say something in support of 2 of the said bands and still bite you?
All I can say is welcome and too bad you’re not of the Washington branch.
Okay IO, but what if you like masturbation?
beer… lots of it.
Yeah I play but one Dunemaul Dragonblight, and an unspecified as yet PVE server. Have to wait for my char transfer to find out which one my guys movin to.
I do so love blenders, even more so now, hehehe.
*runs out to choke a smurf to find the answer*
Very nice dear brother. Its interesting to see how you have grown in ability as you have grown as a man.
Yes but how many of us are guilty of those from time to time. No matter how much they piss us off.
Oh yeah Navre, its all my fault again. Piss off. You could have gone another route if you wanted, but noone else is as cool as us hehehe. But in all reality, yeah I suppose Im to blame for both Navre and I. Oh and yes we are both part of the “not goth goth” club. While the women are a definite bonus I would have to agree with my brother that I just fit better with the goth community than any other. What with my alternative religious leanings and all.
Well doesnt that sound like another interesting poll we should have.
cheesecake… mmmmm.
Okay time for a superdork response… They say they are meeting in the Elven forest outside Westfall… yet they are outside the concentration camp that the humans run. Yes Im a geek, and Im damn proud of it.
Welcome to the site DD. No we wont treat you like crap unless you give us a reason to. Hope you have fun here as there are quite a few interesting people. Hope to chat with you some time.
Wait, MC Hammer isnt Goth? My whole being is shattered, nooooo. ROFL, good point M.
All hail Ny, right now dammit.
Does make me wonder, though. What is its level of effectiveness? Does it compare to Charmin, or Angel Soft? Is it a double roll? Does it come in 12 packs and 24 for the busy household?
Gods I cant believe I just read both of those.
Wow, the big man is gone. I will miss him, someone the insane could really look up to.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…