Black toilet paper:
Posted In: general goth stuff
Black toilet paper:
I thought twas white for a reason…
I usually wipe till it is clean .. damn
How the hell do you know if it is clean if you wipe with black paper?
10 wipes and hope for the best? 😯
It is white for a reason !!!
Imagine the confusion if they make chocolate brown ones 🙄
I think this goes to show just because something is black people equate it to goth….
too funy… 😛
@InsidedistuO wrote:
I think this goes to show just because something is black people equate it to goth….
too funy… 😛
Oh please..
wow , I had no idea hammer is goth
Well, this one is actually ok.
You smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
Camouflage Toilet Paper imported from Germany. $5.95 a roll.
Here in South Africa we do things a bit different .. here are two of my favorites 😛