I dont like gay guys. No through any homophobic fear but because i’m too ugly to be one.
As the Bloodhound Gang would say, ‘I wish i was queer so i could get chicks’.
Men and women all want sex all of the time, it’s the driving force of life and, if done correctly, feels fucking great too.
You allowed yourself to be used and now you have to deal with the consequences, tough break but that’s life, deal with it.
why is it some people feel the need to ask others whether they like them or not, what’s the point? If you’re happy in your self then who cares what others think, if you’re not happy in yourself then do something about it. Dont put up questions like that and expect to learn something about yourself, it doesnt work like that. The only person who really knows you is you, so try looking inside and you’ll find all the answers you need.
Their music is okay, but you can’t take them too seriously.
Does anyone like Within Temptation. I’ve never seen them but i’ve seen a few of their videos on Scuzz and thought they sounded and looked great.
It’s a good poem. It makes me think of failure, like trying something major and failing but the failure, no matter how it may seem at the time, is for the best.
I’m probably way off the mark but it’s still a nice poem and well written, good job dark
Hammer isnt goth but Eddie Murphy is.
That all depends on the country getting splatter by crap. If it lands on my house i will hold you personally responsible 😆
I, Lucifer isnt what you think it is. It’s not a book about someone claiming to be a satanist. It’s a work of fiction wirtten by a guy called Glen Duncan.
The story is in the first person from the perspective of the devil. In it he’s given one last chance at redemption. If he can live out a sinless life on earth as a mortal, he gets back into heaven when he dies.
Of course, there’s no chance of him accepting the deal, but he does negotiate a trial period: one month on earth in the body of writer that killed himself.
During the next month Lucifer takes the chance to set the biblical record straight, to let us know just what it’s like being him.
But as he writes he comes to find that neither describing nor living are as straight forward as they seem. He’s beset by distractions and all the shoks the flesh is heir to.
It’s interesting to read another point of view and work your way through Glen Duncan’s logic, how the devil seems so convincing.
Take the crucifixtion for example. I dont want to give too much away but the bible tells us the devil wanted the crucifixtion to happen. But Lucifer tells us something different, he tells us that since the crucifixtion was a fullfilment of the old testement proficies, it makes no sense that he’d want it to happen, after all, he is meant to be the advisery to god, so why would he chose to go along with the plans.
In some places it gets a little complex and hard to follow, and there’s no real conclusion, but if you’ve ever wandered what the devil real thinks about god and what he does for a living, give it a read, you wont be disapointed.
now i get it, thanks. 😆
That’s really good. You have an excellent way with words and paint some incredible pictures. I don’t know much about poetry but i know what i like and i like that. Keep up the good work.
Blenders are so much fun it should be illegal.
Unless of course you want to put someone’s hand in one, which in my opinion should be encouraged by all.
sorry, the only thing i can see is a face. What’s it supposed to be?
lol, thanks for that you’ve just made my day
You could even have a crazed officer saying i love the smell of vomit in the morning and maybe some bystanders crying about the horror of naked parachute vomiting.
In fact, lets take take it one step farther and start using it as a means of settiling differnces between nations. Instead of war we have extreme vomiting.
Swimming with the sharks while being violently ill, or perhaps bungee pucking; sounds like a whole heep of fun to me.
Naked parachute jumping while eating a melted peanut butter sandwitch sound like fun. It’d be hard but not immposible.
I bought nightwatch the other night and thought it was okay, but nothing special.
Maybe it’s because i’ve not read the books or knew anything about it before i watched it, but there were places in the film i just couldnt understand or follow.
Of course, it could be that i’m as thick as pig shit, but who knows?
Anyhow, i thought the special effects were well done – not too showy and not done too cheaply – and i licked most of the characters.
Over-all i’d give it two and a half out of five.
global warming may exist but why worry about it? By the time the world comes to an end i’ll be dead.
Ok, you could talk about the kids and the kind of mess we’re leaving for them, but i say to hell with ’em, let them work it out for themselves. Way i see it, if the world comes to an end then it’s a wonderful lesson, one that they’ll either learn of die.
I got this little recipie from my girlfriend when she was pregnant. A jar of peanut butter placed in the microwave for about four minutes, take some french toast and pour the runny butter over it. Add a sprinkling of caster sugar and devour with a shot of absinthe.
The best beer in the world is Desporados, beer with a shot of tequila, yummy.
On the advice of my laywers: Caution, if you have a heart attack from the above sandwich you can’t blame me. You have been warned!
Thanks for that. Think i’ll be staying away from it like a vampire stays away from a church.
What’s breakcore?
which cube film was the strange one where the cube is actually an other dimension or something. I have a tendency to get them all mixed up.
Thanks. I’ve just finished watching the three Cube films. Have you seen them and if you have what did you think of them?
Thanks for that, i feel a lot better about my disturbing attraction to him.
And let me know what yoy think of Freddy’s Dead, i’ve only seen the first and second so i’m in need of education, cheers 🙂
Just bought Aeon Flux which is a little weird and hard to follow, but has some cool action scenes.
Went to the pictures the other night to see Stranger than fiction which is surprisingly good, though the premis is nothing new to me, i’ve walking round with strangers voice in my head for years.
And i’ve also just bought Rocky Horror Picture show. It was meant to me a present for my sis but i like it too much, so i’ll give her something crappy instead.
Just out of interest, is it wrong of me to fancy that Tim Curry guy? 😕
Have a good holiday and remember, a dog’s skeleton is for life, not just for christmas 😀
The only problem i had with the first one was the makers reluctance to show real gore. He teased playfully, giving plenty of foreplay, but never getting down to do the dirty. The eyeball scene was about the goriest shot, and even that’s been seen a thousand times.
The first hostel promised the earth, like an eighteen year old desperate to lose his virginity by telling the girl he’s fantastic in bed, but never really delivered, just like the virgin, leaving us all somehow dissatisfied.
I can only hope the second one does a better job of delivering genuine shocks.
i think i’d turn and greet him like an old friend.
Why there are floatation devices in the seats of planes instead of parachutes?
‘cos when your plumeting out of the air, heading at six hundred miles an hour for the icy depths, they want you thinking about why you’ve got stupid floatation devices instead of paracute. See, pointless psychology at it’s finest. Just another example of corporate brainwashing. Watch out for the satalites and dont forget, they know where you live!!! 😈
@LoveWithDiamonds wrote:
thanks….but like Navre….I’d welcome some criticism….
Not sure if i’m the right person to be offering critisim about someone’s work as i’m not much of a poet. But what i would like to say is how well your poem caught my attention; the atomsphere and imagery were simply captavating.
It’s hard to veiw your own work with a dispassionate eye because you’re too close to the subject. You say you dont like this poem, i say it’s fantastic and keep you the good work.
if you found that test hard then you have no right to life ❗
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