I’ll be there just need time and date!
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
I’ll be there just need time and date!
my best place ever was about 7am in front of the high school in a car as people are walking by all the time.
I like alot of different bands from everywhere but at the moment i like marilyn manson, system of a down, and seether, alittle murderdolls, and some local bands.
your right about american censorship. the government is just afraid that if we listen to the wrong music that where going to go nuts and blow up a denny’s or something. but if anyone has any good bands from anywhere in the world i’m always looking for something new.
oh yeah, screw the government and it’s censoring a**es
The user map idea sounds good. sorry necro forgot that. The sun was soming up and i was getting a headache. navre – it’s good to hear there’s another american here. oh and how’s europe i’m hoping on visiting sometime.
the strong shall survive and the weak shall be barbecue!
i would eat human flesh …
and thats all i have to say.
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
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