The following is a preliminary raw data sample release compiled from 334 (309 vampiric) responses to the VEWRS received from March 22, 2006 through February 18, 2007 covering questions 001, 004, 006, 008, 030, 037, 137, 155, 172, 236, 246, 262, & 285 of the VEWRS. Please note questions from the AVEWRS (2nd part of the study) are not included in this preliminary release but will be forthcoming at a later date. Let us stress that this data is NOT in final form as this study is still ongoing for another 60+ days, NOR does it represent any correlations with other questions found in this study that will be done later this year; ie: Respondent #271 answered X on question 042, Y on question 394, chose option Z on question 643 on the AVEWRS which is unique because it shows a pattern relating to question 488, etc. Hence, drawing anything other than superficial conclusions regarding the representations of the sample received would be ill advised at this time. This preliminary sample release of information is to give everyone in the Community a sense of the scope and importance of their individual participation, NOT to offer analysis or interpretation of these graphs having not completed our research – that aspect will come later this year.
Information regarding this study has been released or distributed to 78 real vampirism or energy work forums, 91 Yahoo groups, 87 MySpace groups, 26 regional Meetup groups, 1,196 individuals on LiveJournal, 1,668 individuals on MySpace, 570 individuals on Yahoo Messenger, 2,567 individuals through direct e-mail, and countless other online and offline groups, Houses, et. al., and individuals throughout the World. There are many behind the scene activities that are never seen as we work to ensure the surveys are presented to the largest possible population of self-identifying sanguine, psi, modern, or living vampires.
We encourage those in positions of leadership or respect who operate forums, sites, groups, Houses, et. al., etc. to notify their members of this study by all appropriate means available and work directly with us to ensure the largest possible response for this Community study. It may be surprising for some to learn not everyone knows of this study – just because it’s posted on a forum or on a web site doesn’t mean everyone who’s a member pays attention or comes across the post. If you are one of the ones who have been previously been unaware of this soon to be year long study of those who identify themselves as real sanguine, psi, living, or modern vampires and/or energy workers conducted by fellow members of both communities, please visit the web site below for the complete purpose, significance, definitions, ethical, and privacy guidelines governing this study.
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2007 + 1 Month Grace Period (Don’t Procrastinate)
All submissions will generate an auto-response verifying that we have successfully received your survey(s).
If for any reason you can’t view either the VEWRS or AVEWRS in MSWord please copy/paste the HTML – Text Only Versions into a word processing program of your choice and complete. See HTML – Text Only Version links below:
Please understand that BOTH surveys (VEWRS & AVEWRS) need to be completed and returned. The AVEWRS is the concurrent second survey that covers the technical aspects of vampirism, energy work, spirituality, detailed experience, feeding, awakening, coping, identity, etc. background that is NOT covered in the VEWRS. For this reason it is VERY IMPORTANT that those who complete the VEWRS also complete the AVEWRS.
In order for detailed anthropological, psychological, or phenomenological research to be properly conducted on a community or subculture a foundation must first be established and this is one of the primary purposes of this research study. To be able to firmly grasp and understand the elements of this Community, there needs to be an exploration into the shared commonalities, differences, and developing trends in a concise and centralized format. We’ve received surveys from all parts of the globe, dozens of different paths or belief systems, psi/sang/hybrid, solitary, affiliated, the young, the old, community leaders, and newly awakened alike. Your participation and moreover your encouragement of others to participate in this important study directly impacts the success of this project.
We sincerely appreciate every moment you spend taking these surveys, value each word written, and every question or conceptual critique and clarification you provide. If there are questions on the surveys that do not provide adequate choices and/or that you disagree with, then utilize the “Other”, free response, or even the margins to indicate such. We welcome you to write any and all information you would like to see covered in this study as well as open to any constructive criticism leveled on the part of those who have chosen to participate. If you feel the need to provide clarification to your answers let us assure you everything that is written does not go unnoticed and will be taken into account in the analysis. Instead of criticizing aspects of the surveys that you disagree with, take the power into your own hands to explain to us why in your responses. Those thought provoking arguments will be printed as a matter of record alongside the conclusions and interpretations – this study is a living and dynamic document for the entire Community and this is why it is so important to draw from diverse viewpoints.
The Community ultimately determines the outcome and quality of information received in this study; thus justifying calls to those who have been instrumental in the formation, mentorship, teaching, and overall leadership of the Community to step forward and convey their mature and insightful perspectives through the framework of these surveys. We appreciate the fact that these surveys are being used as resource, teaching, and self-reflective tools, however, to be of particular value in this study they need to be returned. Please encourage others on forums, groups, e-lists, meetups, and within your local Community to participate in this unprecedented study of real vampirism and energy work. Our staff is available to answer questions so don’t hesitate to contact us. We sincerely appreciate your participation in this research endeavor and will strive to analyze and treat the responses we receive with the utmost professionalism. Thank you and enjoy the following graphs and charts.
[The following images are hosted on our servers and thus do not utilize this forum or site’s bandwidth]
The following is a comprehensive layout of all matters regarding the Vampire & Energy Work Research Survey (VEWRS) & Advanced Vampirism & Energy Work Research Survey (AVEWRS). Please carefully read the material presented below as much of it is both important and new as of the date of this letter or posting. For those who have previously been unaware of this soon to be year long study of those who identify themselves as real sanguine, psi, living, or modern vampires and/or energy workers conducted by fellow members of both communities, please visit the web site below for the complete purpose, significance, definitions, ethical, and privacy guidelines governing this study:
Please allow the text below to serve as the latest updated information regarding this study aside from content listed on the primary web site.
Important Dates, Instructions, & General Information:
I. Deadline: We will accept surveys through March 31, 2007, however, while we are involved in the data entry and pre-correlation phases you will be able to mail in your surveys past this date until the web site file download and response e-mail is ultimately disabled. In order to facilitate the data entry schedule we’ve established, the sooner you complete your surveys and submit them the easier it will be to move this study closer to the final analysis and results stage. Please do NOT procrastinate when it comes to completing these surveys. They do not have to be completed in one sitting and you may take your time and revisit them as often as needed; being careful not to forget to save the survey file you are working on before closing. As you finish a particular survey please e-mail them to
II. Vampires & Energy Workers: There is a common misconception that these surveys are only written for those who identify with modern, living, or real sanguine or psi vampirism. While 55-60% of the content of these surveys apply almost exclusively to vampirism related topics, the remainder was designed to account for those who identify with energy work, no longer identify with vampirism, or identify with both components. Presently, response from the exclusive energy worker Community accounts for less than 8% of the total response received to date, however, any base group inclusion of this size as a variance point warrants its own branch of classification. Therefore, let us attempt to explain how responses from both vampires and energy workers will be grouped in the data tree and subsequently correlated.
For this study we will be using a model that accounts for divergent branches of the top level variants or groups; those who identify as vampires or vampires who also identify as energy workers and those who identify only as energy workers. Only the applicable questions for energy workers will be compiled for the independent study of this branch; primarily the demographic, personal, medical, familial, spiritual, cross-over community background, paranormal, past-life, meditation, psi-related, energy perception, manipulation, tools, techniques, etc. Having this general body of data for both self-identifying vampires and energy workers will allow us to conduct a linear and non-linear multiple regression and correlation of these two communities. The potential for this shedding light into the interrelationships, similarities of abilities or conditions, and overall mentality or perception, is of extreme interest in both a psychological and sociological context. Therefore, if you are an energy worker who does not personality either identify with, or even believe in vampirism, you will be able to answer all questions that do not contain the word “vampire or vampirismâ€; as an awakening, spirituality, energy work, general perception and experience of self relates to facets of both communities.
A. Instructions For Vampires & Energy Workers:
i. If you are a vampire role player or do not believe in living vampirism (either sanguine or psi) and have come into possession of these surveys please do NOT participate unless you identify with and practice energy work.
ii. Carefully read pages two through five / nine before answering and complete all portions of the survey(s) to the best of your ability without outside assistance or influence.
iii. Your responses are VERY important no matter how extensive your involvement or background. These are completely neutral surveys – it matters NOT which path, religion, belief, or affiliation you hold. Do NOT include personally identifiable responses to any written answers. We do NOT under any circumstances wish to know who you are for any number of ethical and liability reasons.
i. Complete BOTH the VEWRS & AVEWRS – If you do NOT intend to complete BOTH surveys then do not participate. Much of the VEWRS will be “Not Applicableâ€, however, all questions concerning demographics in sections 1 to 3 and that do not contain a specific reference to vampirism in sections 4 to 11 are viable and important material for analysis. The AVEWRS contains a high concentration of energy work questions and paranormal background in sections 1 & 2. Although, please answer the questions in sections 3 to 5 that are applicable to energy workers or the general populace.
ii. Question 988 is perhaps the most important question on the entire survey, in that it allows the respondent to include any and all material they deem important regarding their respective communities that is not included in the VEWRS & AVEWRS.
iii. It is not the intent of the researchers to portray the Energy Worker Community or Vampire Community as mutually inclusive of one another. We are well aware that both communities do not always acknowledge, support, or agree with one another and therefore will treat both sets of data as independent variables in their own right and both will receive separate sections of publication. However, certain data points that present as aberrant or unique both in comparison and contrast to these communities will be explored.
iv. Please note your answer carefully on question #285 {Other: Energy Worker_} of the VEWRS and question #383 & #384 of the AVEWRS. These are the criteria markers we use to categorize vampire and energy workers in the SPSS data analysis program.
v. If you exclusively identify as an energy worker please return your completed surveys to:
While we have already began sorting energy worker from vampire responses received during 2006, this new system in 2007 will provide a more streamlined approach to expedite the processing of data.
III. Statement Regarding Otherkin & Therian Communities: It’s clear there is distinct crossover between these communities and elements of these surveys that may be answered by those who identify with Otherkin (hybrid questioning and Otherkin identification questions), however, unless one also identifies with energy work and/or vampirism these surveys are not designed for these communities. Additionally we have received numerous e-mails from the Otherkin and Therian community asking if we would either create a survey of the same detail or at very least consult with their community in the formation of such. To be honest our focus is and needs to remain on the vampire and energy worker communities. We fear to spread ourselves to areas that we may be unfamiliar with or have only a superficial knowledge would be disingenuous and ultimately a disservice to those communities. While we would be happy to consult on technical aspects regarding the structure, focus, distribution, and balance within context of these communities; it’s our opinion both the Otherkin and Therian community should begin dialog if they are serious at having this idea properly transform into something productive rather than a rushed composition that fails to achieve the goals and sample size desired.
IV. VEWRS & AVEWRS: Please understand that BOTH surveys need to be completed and returned. The AVEWRS is the concurrent second survey that covers the technical aspects of vampirism, energy work, spirituality, detailed experience, feeding, awakening, coping, identity, etc. background that is NOT covered in the VEWRS. For this reason it is VERY IMPORTANT that those who complete the VEWRS also complete the AVEWRS.
V. Importance & Significance Of This Study: In order for detailed anthropological, psychological, or phenomenological research to be properly conducted on a community or subculture a foundation must first be established and this is one of the primary purposes of this research study. To be able to firmly grasp and understand the elements of this Community, there needs to be an exploration into the shared commonalities, differences, and developing trends in a concise and centralized format. We’ve received surveys from all parts of the globe, dozens of different paths or belief systems, psi/sang/hybrid, solitary, affiliated, the young, the old, community leaders, and newly awakened alike. Your participation and moreover your encouragement of others to participate in this important study directly impacts the success of this project.
The sheer difficulty and massive undertaking of this study can best be expressed in the figure located at:
Inside the outer and inner ring represents the real vampire community and the overlapping rings both the influence and involvement from both different subcultures and individual segways into the Community. Although best expressed in spherical form, all circles or communities overlap with each other to varying levels of degree. Not everyone uses the same terminology, not everyone is of the same mentality, not everyone is friendly with one another, not everyone who adorns fangs and hangs out at Goth/vamp gatherings are vampires by the same token that not everyone who meditates and practices rituals are natural energy workers, not everyone is left hand path, not everyone is affiliated with a House, not everyone has heard of major vampiric or energy worker forums, individuals, books, etc.
One important thing we have come to realize thus far from this study is that there are legitimate and level-headed communities in parts of the World we never realized that are literally begging for others to speak with in their area, develop a cohesive structure and organization, and even translate important information into their native tongue. It makes no difference of your individual path; this is a universal study directed towards the specific subset of the real vampire and natural energy worker subculture and we are sincerely seeking participation from all paths, orders, and beliefs without the desire to infringe or violate the tenets or private inner teachings of any particular group. There are numerous underlying significant benefits to all of us and how we are perceived that have the potential to come from this research and everyone that honestly personally identifies with real, living, modern, sang/psi vampirism and/or energy work should invest their time to complete these surveys.
Translations: Both surveys are available in English, French, Spanish, German, & Russian. However, machine translations (professional business/corporate grade program) were used on all non-English translations and while effective do not always yield ideal results. Therefore, if at all possible please try to complete the English version or if needed complete the written sections in the language of your choice; as several members of our staff understand and speak the majority of these languages.
All submissions will generate an auto-response verifying that we have successfully received your survey(s).
Energy Workers Please Note: If you identify exclusively as an energy worker please send your responses to:
Receipt Verification Chart: This chart is located at the bottom of the main web site. Use this chart to verify receipt of your completed surveys. Please note that if you cannot identify yourself on this chart then we likely have NOT received your surveys!
If for any reason you can’t view either the VEWRS or AVEWRS in MSWord please copy/paste the HTML – Text Only Versions into a word processing program of your choice and complete. See HTML – Text Only Version links below:
VEWRS Average Age Of Respondent: 28 (1978)
VEWRS Male To Female Ratio: 37% M :: 63% F
285 Responses Since March 22, 2006
AVEWRS Average Age Of Respondent: 30 (1976)
AVEWRS Male To Female Ratio: 33% M :: 67% F
103 Responses Since August 1, 2006
17 Country Representation: Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Ireland, Lativa, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, United Kingdom, & United States.
Data Points Collected (Individual Questions Answered): 170,000+
Current Research Study Expenditure: $3,866.20
Research Schedule – Data Entry, Correlation, Analysis, Interpretation, Findings, & Conclusions:
The specific agendas of the individual research analysis meetings are technical in nature but a general overview will be provided as a matter of record in summary form at the close of each month. Details concerning the schedule for August through December 2007, which will include preliminary data release, review, discussion, and publication, will be available later this year. Each individual response from the VEWRS & the first section of the AVEWRS will be correlated and/or linked where applicable in various permutations to highlight both similar and dissimilar trends among responses and written responses grouped and interpreted accordingly. Responses will not simply be tallied without intensive cross-correlation & interpretation of written responses. We are utilizing methods covered by Creswell, Hayes, Cohen, and others regarding both qualitative and quantitative research methodology, applied statistical approaches from a social science perspective, predictive modeling, and multiple regression and correlation analysis as well as examining a plethora of papers and publications concerning baseline comparison data and related studies. Throughout the course of our analysis we will be working directly with a variety of professionals and academic faculty in a consultation and statistical verification capacity. Additionally we will work multilaterally with vampiric and energy practitioners in positions of leadership, influence, and experience to ensure transparency and the accurate or factual depiction of our own Community.
January 2007: Drafting Of Primer For Coding Surveys Into Data Program
January – March 2007: Entry Of Data Into SPSS 15.0 Data Analysis Program
January 7, 2007: 1st Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
January 25, 2007: 2nd Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
February 8, 2007: 3rd Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
February 25, 2007: 4th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
March 8, 2007: 5th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
March 22, 2007: 6th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
April – May 2007: Final Completion Of Data Entry & Receipt Of Surveys
April 2007: Data Preparation For General Statistical Analysis
April 5, 2007: 7th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
April 15, 2007: 8th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
April 26, 2007: 9th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
May 2007: General Statistical Analysis, Data Preparation For MRC & Amos Program – SEM For Behavioral Multivariate Analysis
May 10, 2007: 10th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
May 20, 2007: 11th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
May 31, 2007: 12th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
June 2007: Continuance Of MRC + ANOVA/ANCOVA, Prediction Models, Small Sample Test Algorithm Evaluation, & Initial Community Comparison Analysis
June 7, 2007: 13th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
June 17, 2007: 14th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
June 28, 2007: 15th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
July 2007: Continuance Of MRC, Hypothesis Testing, Data Charting & Graphing, Community Correlations, & Initial Examination Of Qualitative Responses
July 12, 2007: 16th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
July 19, 2007: 17th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
July 29, 2007: 18th Research Analysis Meeting; Atlanta, GA
Closing Statement:
We sincerely appreciate every moment you spend taking these surveys, value each word written, and every question or conceptual critique and clarification you provide. If there are questions on the surveys that do not provide adequate choices and/or that you disagree with, then utilize the “Other”, free response, or even the margins to indicate such. We welcome you to write any and all information you would like to see covered in this study as well as open to any constructive criticism leveled on the part of those who have chosen to participate. If you feel the need to provide clarification to your answers let us assure you everything that is written does not go unnoticed and will be taken into account in the analysis. Instead of criticizing aspects of the surveys that you disagree with, take the power into your own hands to explain to us why in your responses. Those thought provoking arguments will be printed as a matter of record alongside the conclusions and interpretations – this study is a living and dynamic document for the entire Community and this is why it is so important to draw from diverse viewpoints.
The Community ultimately determines the outcome and quality of information received in this study; thus justifying calls to those who have been instrumental in the formation, mentorship, teaching, and overall leadership of the Community to step forward and convey their mature and insightful perspectives through the framework of these surveys. We appreciate the fact that these surveys are being used as resource, teaching, and self-reflective tools, however, to be of particular value in this study they need to be returned. Please encourage others on forums, groups, ezboards or yuku, e-lists, meetups, and within your local Community to participate in this unprecedented study of real vampirism and energy work. Our staff is available to answer questions so don’t hesitate to contact us. We sincerely appreciate your participation in this research endeavor and will strive to analyze and treat the responses we receive with the utmost professionalism. Thank you!
The Deadline For VEWRS & AVEWRS Submission Is March 31, 2007