Hmmm the live feed may have to be 18+, seeing as it has come to my attention just a short bit ago that we apparently have sexually frustrated 14 year old Succubi here at VTK…… *snicker*
Ahhh VTK, where resistance is Futile. 😉
Hmmm the live feed may have to be 18+, seeing as it has come to my attention just a short bit ago that we apparently have sexually frustrated 14 year old Succubi here at VTK…… *snicker*
Ahhh VTK, where resistance is Futile. 😉
Shite M, I can’t beat that, I have been trying…. 😎
You may have won this one, Maestro, but you haven’t seen the last of me!!!!! I shall return!!!!
*insert evil laugh*
@Belos wrote:
A new band has joined my list of favorites, and I believe they are in Germany/from Germany…. XANDRIA
Wow that’s where I buy my toys from! LMAO
@maestro wrote:
and only liked by people who can’t spell, obviously
Hey I resemble that remark.
Ok for a list of my favourite bands refer to my post in this thread and follow the
link that’s there. LMAO
Hmmm it’s sorta like looking for
porn (ha ha ha ha you clicked that!) … Anyhoo, you follow link after link just to find one stupid thing. Gods I hate that.
Hmmm I only party with frat bois, they are soooo cute!! *puke*
What is the point of a party if it cannot be classified as “wild” …. then again it may depend on who you ask. Most of my friends would think I had gone soft if my parties didn’t end in a few passed out, a few half-dead, a bunch needing … eh … safe sex techniques and of course the all-purpose “candy counter.” 😈 No, my parties are safe and sane, kids…. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Any luck and in a couple of months I shall have a witness to one of my infamous penthouse parties here on this site… *happy dance*
…. alas Nav`re, all of a sudden I have a much higher opinion of you sexy military men. 😉
Tho….. I wear it for myself, none other. 😈
I think you all should sing that the next time you march into a seriously religious area. LMFAO
Am I the only one who doesn’t get it?
Greetings, Eadha…
Welcome to the VTK. Though I practice magick, I am not a follower of the ways of The Wise (The Wicca), as you are. I have studied, as part of my learning, however I follow a different path… still, it really is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I would enjoy speaking with you further, and as I am cautious about posting too much personal information in the forums, you may feel free to either PM me or email me. I would be happy to tell you of my background and affiliation in a more private setting. Until then, my avatar serves a purpose… it is a symbol of the Order I belong to.
I mentor one on this site, and I am sure if I can get him to post occasionally you and he should have much in common as well.
Have a splendid evening,
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
@maestro wrote:
Erm…. You poor thing! 😯 I wouldn’t know that, I would have to ask porncat. Sad you’re not sure… lmao! 😛 Then again seeing as you are MAT SORE you must have a rod…. 😈
Bye for now………… ARSE TOM 😆
I like this very much, Vixen… good job. 8)
Thank you for sharing it… but one question: Why is the Post Title Religion?
@maestro wrote:
Hmmm (Brain: Power On) without that link….
MAESTRO = R SO TAME 😛 *giggling*
That was fekking awesome. 😯
Thank you for the compliment, and no need to thank me for posting it. 8)
This is just a lame little piece of prose which was written and posted for Y Ddraig Goch… 😉
And Y Ddraig Goch is………………? My secret. 😈
And another of my infamous lists just for you, sexy…. 😉
The Crüxshadows
(We also have….)
Fields of the Nephilim
Black Tape for a Blue Girl
Switchblade Symphony
London After Midnight
Or you can go here and see what I listen to, because I am the be-all and end-all of good taste in music.
Yeah. Good luck with all that. 😎
Greetings, Seth aka Arcaina…
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Sidonia DeMornay, and I imagine over time you shall get to know me.
I wonder, though, what do you ask for when you request a host? I have an idea, however just to be on the safe side I thought I ought to ask…
Enjoy yourself, VTK is my 4th home…. :vamp:
Until next time, I remain…
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Welcome to VTK, fizz. Cute name. 😉
I noticed that too… sorta disappointed, clicked on a hot chick and saw my boots! 😯
I wanted to see the hot chick dammit!! 😥 LOL
Hmmm off the top of my wee lil brain… 😉
If I think of any more I have done that I consider “unconventional” I shall be happy to share them with you. 8)
@fizz wrote:
today i am mourning…my bf called me last night breaking down,yelling and crying…his brother in law killed himself yesterday.
I give you my most sincere condolances, and remember, all pain fades with time. Let yourself experience it and it shall lessen one day.
Nav`re, I felt that was very fitting. Thank you.
Nav`re, my sweet poet… that is so beautiful. If I were to be able to cry I would. That fire shall one day reach you and consume you, but then what of you shall you have left? It is sometimes better to tend the fire until it is strong, and then dance within it. Remain patient, my dear bard.
I believe that this is one of your best, and I send an ember to you. *small smile*
@necromancerza wrote:
… take both and call me in the morning 😉
Alice may not remember your number in the morning after taking both … 😈
@necromancerza wrote:
Like their breeding habits though 8)
😈 That makes two…. *wicked grin*
Hey I happen to like Titanic… partly because I appreciate the clothing, and partly because I am fascinated with tragedy on such a grand scale.
Thank you, M, for that post…I have not been back there in ages and had forgotten it existed. My memory is stellar like that. LOL Those 30 second movies remind me that I should not get into acting when bunnies that cannot act do a better job of it than myself… well, except for those movies that are like their breeding habits… 8) That doesn’t take much acting, tho.
Mmmm I love rabbit stew, it’s nearly as yummy as squirrel…
Or snake. 😈
Welcome :vamp:
I like your avatar, it looks like a tarot card… very nice.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance…
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Thanks to all of you… I appreciate it. Those sites are more than awesome… my wallet is thus depleted. 😉 A girl can never have too much bondage gear, eh? 😈
I finally found what I wanted here: Eros Boutique // Black Latex Vacuum Bed … this is it:
Oh yeeeaaaah… And only $450 for nights upon nights of fun. *happy sigh*
I am a very happy Lady indeed. 8)
@maestro wrote:
greetings from my Ibanez RG 470 Lady 😆
Oooh well now isn’t porncat the lucky one, you just made my Hot List for 2006… 😈 😉
Mmmmm guitar players (who actually know how to play LOL) are soooo yummy…. 8)
*happy sigh with happy thoughts*
@maestro wrote:
you could just use that gimp thing
Yes, I actually have The Gimp v2.2, it came packaged with ubuntu, which I just installed instead of mandriva… but really it doesn’t compare with PhotoShop 7.0 ….. That is prolly the one program I actually miss.
Not quite enough to make me switch back to Micro$uck Windows, tho. 🙄
@Navre wrote:
Now how i wonder you mnaged to see that one….and call it by name? I dont recall posting that one anywhere….manage to get your hands on one of the few full copies of my works have you….
You know, Nav`re, I adore you, but you can sure be a dork sometimes… 😉
You sent it to me in my email. lmfao!!! 😀 That was the last prose you sent to me, remember?
*giggling hysterically*
Greetings…. I extend the warmest of welcomes to The Plague… *grin*
If I may be of any assistance whatsoever, feel free to let me know. And I am with Maestro on the music, you should post what you can… I believe we would enjoy it thoroughly. If for no other reason than guitar players are sexy… 😈 Though that is most likely not why Maestro would appreciate it…. LOL
Until then, I remain…
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
As always this is absolutely beautiful, Nav`re… as you already knew, this has always been one of my favourites, and shall forever remain so. 😎 Thank you for posting it.
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