wisely true, I agree with u M
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: 15 Horror-Probleme, die komplett überschätzt werden #AnglerFisch #DemonFish #LittleLight #AnglerFish
wisely true, I agree with u M
hey!! right here, but running out of time. If i could help in smthg , just let me know.
Hi!!!! why would we laugh of ur talent?? i guess many ppl over here share the same hobbies and interests we have. Welcome, and see you around
I do like classical music,i used to spend the whole day listening to it, until dreaming.
But i currently listen to industrial and hardcore,
hahaha lol, I guess there’s ppl with a hell of free time around here…..good hahaha
(sorry, can’t stop laughing at these)
HI!!! Kehsekh, hope to see you around
hahaha lol
Maestro, with all my respects, i agree with oraqle…..
Nice indeed, LOL. kind of pathetic, but still funny.
HI!!!!! Glad u found yourself and feel good in our community.
i don’t get THAT far , yet…. but i still woudnt screw ur nice site.
sorry, i tend to become like that,
what’s a poll.????? tho!! lol
that’s true. A little of corporeal mortification is never bad. Pain is good.
@maestro wrote:
it’s still goin on but noone knows where – it vanished and those people only come out to celebrate the love parade once a year
you sometimes get the idea that all the ravers hide in goth clubs and wear black in between the parades, judging by the change of music there
I think i know what ur talking about, and yes, thats the way ravers are, hidden in goth clubs, and of course, because of the currents of changes, they had to wear black and listen to new music in every era. And unfortunately they only come out once a year in love festivals. THAT”S THE WAY I’M.
But time is changing, and so do us. Let’s wait 2 c what 2morrrow brings
may be im just the weirdest, cuz im posting at a…yeah, 2 months old post. But since M… is really dedicated to the site, hope he answers. But no, its not a good idea to delete inactive accounts, cuz people always go back to the place of their crime, and sometimes it takes them time. Just talking 4 myself and trying to keep active my account, even though i’m really exited about the site and looking around at EVERYTHING, also srewing stuff and getting into places i have NO authority. But thats only the simplest me..always against ALL AUTHORITY. lol
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
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