yup you have. you know.
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
That is very interesting. I loved it. No love
Not bad sounds fun to me.
I love it. It makes me feel for them.
Not bad. Great wording. Great soul.
that was………….beautiful……….gorgeous……….divine…..its hard to come up with words to desribe that.
great wording and overall a great poem
I wish that time would come………… 😈
not bad sounds like my first time. 😀 8)
you guess……………..thats nice I guess…
No, but it looks better in my writing.
Thanks. I’ll try.
Good point.
Its true.
nice wording.
Youy story is great I love it. I wish only to read more. 😀
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
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