Well, I’ll keep visiting when my work-load permits.
Hello, Porncat. Nice to meet you.
Well, I’ll keep visiting when my work-load permits.
Hello, Porncat. Nice to meet you.
I’ll post a link on my LJ. Good luck with the site.
Makes a change from molesting choirboys!
Thanks for your welcome and, as I wrote, I’m looking forward to chatting with everyone. I’m still very much in the process of looking around this site. There is so much to see! I’ve not come across a site quite so comprehensive as this one before.
Ooooh yeah, Bruder! Hier spricht der einzig wahre Macho Man Randy Savage, direkt aus dem…
Na, offensichtlich weil wir einfach nicht genug StarTrek-Filmfortsetzungen haben, um unser dringend benötigtes Drama zu…
Also hör mal, ich hab da was gelesen, was mich genauso kitzelt wie ein rostiger…