So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: 15 Horror-Probleme, die komplett überschätzt werden #AnglerFisch #DemonFish #LittleLight #AnglerFish
i use knifes and razors and stuff any thing sharp i even used wood once!
*tries not to freak out*so u hate it then!!!! heeheheheheehheeh thats what i get for puting poems up!!sorry u anit a cutter so u dont know what it means
mabye i could get my bf to help!!if its ok with him and all!!for the pics.
ya like that i gussse!!
hahahah that smily is kool^_^!!!
thats good!!!^_^
hhhhhmmmmm,thankz for all ya posts i liked them ALLL!!!Ya can get me mad at times but i will just keep it in side to see if i explode…
“your not alone” thats true you ani’t alone! So try and hang in there a little long!
If what I said bugs any of you or if you are just tierd of hearing me then PLZ EITHER END MY LIFT FOR ME or LET ME END IT!!!!
And Jace where ever you are I know I said “You make my life worth living” but I am sorry If You SEE this and I am GONE FROM THIS WORLD!!!:( Bye
Welcome Sidonia DeMornay! Sorry but I am just here to welcome you here and nothing more, cuz as YOU can see NO ONE likes me (any of them in this form). And cuz I am human I have NO right to stand in your presents of one so powerful like your self and even if I was a vamp I would STILL NOT be able to be in your presents.Well that is all I have to say and some will say( “Good now LEAVE Cutter”)! But I don’t care cuz I have talked to my Lady!!!
K then.I just put it here so I wound NOT bug the other forms and posts and I’m just speaking my mind! IS THAT OK WITH YOU?! (just trying to be nice thats all)Well have a nice day!:)
Meanys!!!!!! I hate this site now!!! But i don’t know why i still want to be here tho!!! And ya FUCKING GUYS NEED TO LEARN SLANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KOOL!!!! 😀 another underworld is coming out!!! Thankz for the pics and the trailer!!! Again thankz!!:)
Um…..What kind of friend?! I could be ya friend if ya want to…..(I’m looking for friends too)
E-mail me some time at:
k? Hope I helped ya out!!! Have a good but bloody day:) 😆
Japan has Goths in it?! 😯 . Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to GO there then… Oh wait I am going with my Japanese Class next year to visit our sister city!!! Can’t wait that long…..
(looks down in shame)Sorry…….:(
Just want some people to have a laugh for once…(sighs)Again I’m SORRY.
HA. Maestro!! Look who’s talking!!!! “well, you cant let the poor guy live with all that evil blood in him of course”!!!! hahahaahahhahaah:) PLZ….Can ya tell I’m jokeing right?! Dude I want to BE freinds, if thats ok with ya!!! E-mail me it’s:
In fack anyone e-mail me PLZ!!!!!!!!
I will try to be there!!!
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…