@maestro wrote:
I was actually reluctant enough about the “vamp” part of VTK to let it die alltogether. It only brings wackos and nutjobs to our beloved forums anyway. But lately, the vampire PR department has even worse things in stock than the usual hermaphroditic and/or parasitic “elder” persons, school shootings, big-brothered coffin-sleepers or the fictional homo-fest that are Anne Rice novels.
Something that required at least a half-assed response.
I found new fascination (rather call it compassion) for our pointy-teethed shadow lurkers when i learned about a new TV series that is called True Blood. From my remote and fortified point of view out of Germany’s VTK bunker, surrounded by “Heil!” shouts wherever i go, this series appears even more as a travesty than Moonlight, which already had to be considered a redefinition of the word “travesty” as we knew it.
True Blood vampires have
- no pulse, heartbeat or anything
- no brain waves, either
- no need to breathe
- no electrical pulses in their nervous system
- noone, noone thinking it’s a bad idea to give these blood sucking punks human rights while at the same time we’re shipping off enemy combatants to Gitmo
Yet they’re vulnerable to all kinds of virus infections (like that new kind of virus that doesn’t travel through blood vessels requiring some kind of pulse…it’s probably using vaginal suction for propulsion instead) and their blood is something of a drug for mortals. Which leads to the killing new plot situation that mortals prey on vampires – for their blood, not to make a nice necklace out of those fangs.
I’m certain all the obvious epic drama ensues: vampires beeing pissed for beeing vampires, humans for not beeing vampires, vampires for humans asking to be vampires and humans for vampires not turning them into vampires (which, coincidentially, is alt.culture.vampires in a nutshell). Additionally (and only to provide a somewhat longer than Dawson Creeksque story arch) there is a subplot concerning a synthetic blood replacement, which of course doesn’t work as advertised. And is the main reason why the series is called True Blood – in steep contrast to Fake Blood, cause HBO has one pair of sharp motherfuckers at work there.
Stupid i say, no matter how viral their fake dating sites are, the premise sucked from the moment of mentioning “vampires”.
Moonlight was a recycled idea of Angel, and that’s possibly what killed their second sign up with HBO for their next season. It wasn’t that bad though, have you tried watching Blood Ties? That was a god-awful show, despite the main vamp being a total hottie. True Blood however is based on a book, and whatever expectations you have on it, yes, they will have something across the lines of “human-wanna-be-vamps” and “lonely-heartbroken-vamp-wants-to-be-human-again” etc. You kind of expect it in that kind of realm, lol. With the number of murders that have turned up in the show, it does make want to shout this, ” Put in a bloody vampire police / detective to smell the culprits out you dodos! “
Kind of ironic., isn’t it?
Also, I kind of like the idea that vampires are trying to establish themselves into society, rather than focus on one career aspect e.g. vamp detectives, vamp fire-fighters, vamp hair-dressers etc. Instead, you get a whole rainbow of vamp careers. Also raises some interesting notions of how humans would react to this idea of equality between the undead and humanity. If they acknowlege vampires, where do ghouls and zombies stand? 😛