i think they are soooooo hot@
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
i think they are soooooo hot@
people care soo mcuh about how me and my friends dress and act they have no time to have their own style
so they have to go and follow every freakin trend in the world so they can be kewl and make fun of everyone else
it makes no fuckin sense but one day they’ll get it bak
they’ll get what’s comin soon
i HaTE crystals
and they should pole dance so they get shot
*evile laugh*
unless they are hot and by
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
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