this will be my last post and then i’ll never bother you with my want for a little fucking compassion
just here to say fuck you maestro, maybe the site would be a bit more successful if you werent such a complete and utter arsehole, maybe you should try actually being friendly to people, instead of being a twat, like when you gobbed off at insideijhg for want to talk to you, god forbid anyong using this site might want to socialise, if you dont want people pm’ing you to talk to you, try logging the fuck out after you check your mail, at least you fucking get mail to read, be grateful for that you heartless prick, and i dont care that me using swear words will probably make me look immature to you, all that pisses me off is that you have the fucking cheak to tell me what to do with my live, you dont know me, i dont want your advise, i wanted you OPINION, which, btw, i dont care about anymore, so, as i sign off, i wish all the socialble people on this site farewell and to darkchild and maestro i bid you a merry cup of shut the fuck up and go die.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…