Marilyn Manson – Tourniquet, I just bought Wishmaster 4 and Ginger Snaps :D…
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Marilyn Manson – Tourniquet, I just bought Wishmaster 4 and Ginger Snaps :D…
Sweet! Never noticed that before, thanks IO…
Yeah me too. I think tis really disgusting to think of how it still goes on for no reason other than science isn’t endless which they still deny. Really sick to think people can be okay with it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
I really like IO’s idea I say something like that would be uber sweet…
Where be this calander? I see no callender *scratches chin*…
Apocalyptica – Romance…
Damn strait! What they said, have a good one…
The Vagina :D…
Plastic Man – Seether…
I see that one, but that’s a killer dildo, look at the damage it done to Obi Wan, he was never the same again…
Lmao, damn strait, I can see why so many 13 year olds like them…
I really can’t see it, mabye tis my sheer denial of Darth Vader’s Blue Dildo lol…
Arhahahahahahaha, thanks for that IO, so damn funny, would love to do that at school our computing teacher’s a cock lol…
Lol! Well i’m glad you enjoyed it. He sure does own Kirk anyday. “Captain Joan Luc Pichard of the U S S Enterprise” I love the bit when he dances to it…
lol, mabye,,,I used the video icon wizard on the forum for it too, I have no idea why twouldn’t work, It just came up with the video screen but with no video, I waited to see if it would load too, but nothing…
Well, oh okay, lol, thanks Maestro I couldn’t get it to work…
Lol, good point, Cathedral twice in the same year 😯 that was bad but worth it. Twill be a great gig, i’m looking forward to it, I just don’t think they’re an amazing band, but they’re not crap or anything, I’ll just stare at Herman’s hair…
Lmao!! Who knows, mabye :wink:…
Where’s this mystical blue dildo, I can’t see it?…
Oh horray *sighs* I’ve bared witness to this already as Dragonforce are one of my dad’s favorite bands, so I’m going to go see them with Dravey in December, oh the fun, lol, I love Herman’s hair and they’re a good band, I just think they sound abit repetative…
Oh I remember this one, at first I though wow, what a prick and had to hold back the laughter. Second time me and Dravey watched it so I laughed alot lol, but still not a nice thing to do lol…
Sadly It Seems Extreme Metal Batman has followed the path of Don Vito:( I just hope tis an imposter…
Extreme Metal Batman – Batman Theme Live Download 06 lol, sooo funny…
Lmao! I’ve seen the LoTR one before and the spiderman one was so damn funny. Well I think if you start a band like Tenacious D you deserve to be loved lol, thanks for the links IO…
Ah good point, I haven’t read any of her books, though The Witching Hour does look good. The Cure – Lullaby…
Lol! No matter how many times I see that it makes me laugh, well could be worse, they could be doing that in Dumfries :(…
As a vampire film Hell yeah, it just didn’t go with Interview With A Vampire atall, and it just didn’t work, but the soundtrack was good lol, I didn’t mind the film that much but twasn’t great…
I watched The Shinning Last night, which scared the hell out of me, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show this morning, which was soooo amazing, and yeah Jonny Depp was amazing in Edward Scissorhands, and in From Hell too…
Greetings, welcome to VTK, hope you have fun here, well if you don’t i’d cry…
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Ooooh yeah, Bruder! Hier spricht der einzig wahre Macho Man Randy Savage, direkt aus dem…