….Things in the past…sometimes…don’t stay there…but…if..if..it was something….that was a Bad Thing…I would still…care…
Posted In: 15 Horror-Probleme, die komplett überschätzt werden #AnglerFisch #DemonFish #LittleLight #AnglerFish
….Things in the past…sometimes…don’t stay there…but…if..if..it was something….that was a Bad Thing…I would still…care…
@Dark_Child wrote:
Hello and Welcome
SweetLust why are you always so shy???
..well,,,because…I am…shy,I mean..
*Soft,shy smile…*
..Hello,James…Welcome…I’m…kind of new here,too..
…No…What is funny…is how a person can claim to believe the whole distorted picture…of Michael Jackson supposedly abusing children…and that he is broke…but still claim that..”He bought his way out of trouble”…the most ignorant…and…slightly…silly thing I heard during the whole stupid trial was…on a television poll they said that something like 30% of people think Michael Jackson is Guilty of the charges….and…70% Think that he would make a good Father…so…um…that says….what,exactly?…then there was the other poll that said that 45% of people think that Michael would not make a good husband….and 55% think he would be a good Father…and,again….what?…besides…all of the employees that worked for him and were saying that he was guilty…or that they saw something….and they…DIDN’T say a word….but….claimed they kept silent “For fear of losing their jobs”…..that means they supposedly…put the “well’fare” of a “So-called ” innocent child…on the bottom of the list…and MONEY first….
*Soft,shy smile…*
…That was beautiful!….and it..it doesn’t surprise me…that people want your words to be shared with everyone…they should be…they come from a..a beautiful place…
*Looking up at you shyly…sadly…curiously…wishing you hadn’t been….hurt..inside…that your heart…hadn’t been…hurt….whispering softly…*
…I..I’m sorry…that they…hurt your heart…really…I am…
😳 🙁 😳 😥
*Whispering softly…shyly…*
..If Darkness should fall
upon one’s Wings of Gold
Fear not what one feels
for it is meant to be…
and if The Light should
catch one in slumber
then one’s eyes shall
finally see…
and if the coldness
of another’s heart
becomes too
painful to bear…
call out..in that coldness..
..and know that…
…will hear..
…At first the Vitiligo…makes your skin pigment..fade in certain areas..and causes blotches…then…with treatment with a dermatologist…there is a medicine that is prescribed in severe cases that makes all of the skin …one color…and that means…albino-ish….and so now after being on this type of medical treatment…a person would almost “HAVE” to wear some type of make -up in order to have any type of pigment to their skin…and…as far as the mugshot photograph…that would be a case of…”I didn’t do this crime I’m being accused of…and I have millions of fans around the world who love me…and they know I’m innocent…and…I can not avoid having to go through this …but..at the very least…I can try to look my best..”…and there are plenty of other celebrities that have worn make – up for their mugshots,too…not just Michael…look at Nicole Richie…and Paris Hilton…and…Keifer Sutherland…they didn’t look..messy…they looked …cleaned up…and…well-groomed…
…Notice this…if you do research…and make informed opinions…that there is such a thing as…stage make-up to cover and blend…Ignorance is to…go along with what is popular at the moment…whether it is…dressing a certain way..or shopping at certain stores…or…liking or disliking certain people…if the majority of the people that you come in contact with..don’t like a certain person…and you so happen to want to “fit in” with them…then…suddenly…you start going along with what they are saying…and then…before too long…you begin to believe it yourself…even when you are confronted with the truth…
go to:
…and read up on Vitiligo…and then…you might understand…[/i]
…That is how EVERYthing you hate…started in the FIRST place…intolerance…and…as far as Michael’s appearance…look up Vitiligo…and research it …it doesn’t matter what a person looks like..not to me…it truly IS what’s on the inside that counts…if I like someone..it isn’t because of what they look like…and if I DON’T like someone…it isn’t because of what they look like…how could I?…that is plain…ignorance…
😳 🙁
…Just because someone doesn’t act like you…or dress like you…or talk like you…or live like you….does not mean they don’t deserve to live….if that were the case…no one on this website would be alive…including me…and just because he is different…doesn’t mean he is guilty…
…. 😳 …. 🙁 …. 😥 ….
…I….was only telling the truth…
🙂 😳
*Whispering softly…sadly…*
🙁 …Please?…..Don’t jump?…..Please…Don’t…..hurt…you…?…
😳 😥
…If Michael Jackson were a Pedophile…it would have been discovered a very long time ago…and…all of these “Disgruntled former Jackson employees” who keep saying “Oh! -Wait! -I SAW Him do something…”…They didn’t say anything when they “alledgedly” saw it…so…if anything really DID happen…and they kept quiet…most of them say it’s because they didn’t want to lose their jobs…then…that means…well….they put money…in front of a child’s well-being on their priority list…which makes them…even worse of a person than what they try to say Michael is….plus…look at the kinds of people that are Michael Jackson’s friends…and their personalities…like Donald Trump…Elizabeth Taylor…Steve Harvey…Chris Tucker…they don’t really seem like the kind of people…who would keep quiet if they knew something was going on…and…according to most of the stories…we are supposed to believe that Michael was sitting no more than two feet away from…Chris Tucker…and his wife…and the boy’s Mother..on an airplane…and supposedly touched the boy inappropriately….plus…there was this big old story about how Michael supposedly molested a son of one of his business partners in paris on a ride at DisneyWorld….and gave him alcohol to drink….and the boy,himself came on National television and said …”….It’s NOT TRUE…and here are my bank account records so you can check…Michael and his people aren’t paying me to say this….it didn’t happen…”….And …also there is nothing wrong with letting your company have your bed while you sleep somewhere else like on the floor….I’ve done that…and people didn’t say ANYTHING when Steve Harvey said…on National television that he sleeps in the same bed with his son…and that he sleeps in his underwear…and his son…wanting to be just like his Dad…sleeps in HIS underwear,too…and that sometimes he wakes up with his son’s…um…butt…in his face….and no one…NOBODY said ANYthing about that…and…also…Lisa Marie Presley’s latest video…for her re-make of the song “Ghetto”…shows infants and toddlers….with guns…and pistols IN THEIR HANDS….if Michael Jackson had done it….the WORLD would probably have imploded with outrage…and…and….
*Trailing off softly…blushing in the brightest shade of red….suddenly realizing she’s said…entirely….too much…and…probably…in the wrong Forum Category…..looking downward shyly…at her feet…kicking the floor lightly with her toe…….Whispering softly….*
….I’m Sorry….it’s how I feel…..inside….I..I’ll…be quiet,now….
😳 😳 😳 😳 😳
*Looking up at you shyly…curiously….*
…Things like..like…what?…
😕 😳
*Looking up at you curiously….shyly…not knowing
quite what to say..really….but whispering the only word that she could think of…
…even though…
…it seems…inadequate…*
*Shy giggle!!*
…You’re so…SILLY!…
😆 😳
…I always feel like I’m talking to myself here….but then again…the REAL problem would only be if I were to start answering myself…*shy giggle!*
😆 😳
*Curiously…more to herself than to anyone else….*
…AIDS…transmitted by exchanging bodily fluids…blood…..Vampyres..or Vampires…drink blood to survive…in order to live….uninfected individual drinks…AIDS-infected blood….and..and…
*Trails off softly..sadly…*
🙁 😥
..I don’t THINK I’m a Vampire..or a Vampyre…I..don’t know if they don’t have a soul…or a heart,either…it seems to me…they may actually feel..MORE deeply than humans do..or…maybe I’ve read too many fictional books…and seen too many movies…I’ve never met a Vampire..or Vampyre…in real life…then again…I might have and just never knew….I’ve tasted someone else’s blood before…purposely…and they tasted mine…purposely…but…I don’t THINK that would make me a Vampyre..or Vampire…I probably did it wrong anyway….but…I didn’t feel very…different..inside…well…maybe a little…but….it wasn’t that much blood…sometimes…a two year-old can teach someone something…even if their words are messed up…and…sometimes…a drunk person…who is slurring their words can tell you the most insightful things…just because someone doesn’t talk like they have an IQ of 3 billion…and 1…doesn’t mean they are any less intelligent…maybe words aren’t their strongest way of expressing themselves…as long as I can understand what you are trying to say…it’s okay…if I have a question about what you’ve said..or don’t understand…I’ll ask…and…you can do the same with me…
🙁 ..It’s wrong that they made the game…he was set up…the boy’s Mother sent her children to acting classes so they could learn how to lie in a criminal case….and two weeks before the trial started…they downloaded transcripts from the forts allegations so they would know exactly what the first accuser (From 1993) said…so they could sound more convincing…plus….the family said that while they were at Michael’s Ranch they were “Kept away from clocks ” and…there’s a giant HUUUUGGGEE clock at the front entrance of his Ranch…and it keeps the correct time..people hear things…and it’s almost as though they believe the first thing that they hear.. 😥
…What happened?…
😆 …You’re….silly!… 😆
*Shy smile…*
…That was…….beautiful!…
*Shy smile…*
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