Last movie I’ve seen for the first time is/was “Se7en”. Good movie, very much so.
As for the last movie I’ve seen, that was V for Vendetta on Monday night. =) Love it love it LOVE IT!!
Posted In: 15 Horror-Probleme, die komplett überschätzt werden #AnglerFisch #DemonFish #LittleLight #AnglerFish
Last movie I’ve seen for the first time is/was “Se7en”. Good movie, very much so.
As for the last movie I’ve seen, that was V for Vendetta on Monday night. =) Love it love it LOVE IT!!
I think you folks have left this n00b snickering in her knickers. XD
Oh yes, I’m enjoying my stay thus far. =)
InsidedistuO: Post-whoring is where you post a ton of posts at a time.
@maestro wrote:
What are you studying?
Delta says “Electronic Media / Graphic Design” (( basically all that techy visual goop )) but the school I want to transfer to says “Visual Communications” (( meaning more than just visual goop )). I’m rooted in arts up the whazoo but I’ve a joy for performing and acting, so I’m thinking that when all is said and done, I may end up being more of a entertainer/event planner than a graphic designer.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…