A Snoring Dachsund
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
A Snoring Dachsund
M dont make me quote “ice ice baby” on this site.
My favorite band of all of them has to be either Apocalyptica or Razorblade Symphony.
Hello Seth, may the crazy weazels be forever latched to your backside.
Woohoo, god I cant wait till tomorrow. I am going to this little freakshow. The Burlesque shows are killer. Booze is a bit overpriced, but nice and stiff.
I take it then, Nec, that you have never been to Washington state. No we don’t, the state credo might as well be Drink, Party, Screw, Repeat.
Miyoko where in Wa do you live? As unofficial organizer or SVTKer events, I will need to know this for future shenanigans and skullduggery.
Bleh, my pants dont like the shade of green that I painted the walls. They revolt!
UUhhh… Nothing but us mushrooms here. Dont mind us.
Hehehe, patience child. The longer I labor the better the outcome.
Its nice to see I can keep you coming back for more, hehehe.
Lets hear it for immature fucks. *noisily cocks his shotgun*
*screams in his own ear*
Alright, me being who I am I have to speak up. I would have to say the most unexpectedly erotic thing ever done for me is when a woman plays with my goatee. Can’t help but get turned on. No I dont mean yanking on it. My friends daughter does that so that just makes me feel weird even thinking about that. But I digress. Yes, when a woman gently tugs on my goatee it turns me on.
Spread the poisons of the mind across the world I say. Good work Maestro
Thank you for the kind words Countess. Another is incoming, just need to polish it up.
Actually Nec, The song Neighbor of the Beast is by a local band in washington called Travis Shredd. Metal/Country. its an interesting sound.
Brother I know your pain. I just wish you didnt.
Hehehe, I love the song Neighbor of the Beast.
Hehehe, there can be only one.
*raises his hand* Yup that would be me.
Powerful writing.
Yeah sure its pretty but it could have been done much better. Anyway, thats my two cents as the local Hearse whore.
Welcome to the site. Hope to chat with you soon.
(still sits pondering burning his books)
Well thanks M… Now I want to burn my books and never play again. I hate that type of gamer.
*claps* been a while since I have seen such raw emotion in a poem. Excepting a few on this site, I have had nothing but drivel to read.
Welcome to the site Blood. I hope you find us entertaining and odd, hehe.
Yet again M your genius shows through hehe.
Happy V day everyone.
that might just be interesting
Hey cool, I missed the last one so I will DEFINITELY be there for this one. That is if Between 8pm PST and 11am PST on a weekend.
How about music in the chatroom then M?
That stays up so we could have it in there.
Well you may just meet me there. I think I would like to go myself. That will be a nice “oh dear gods Im 30” present to myself.
Wow never looked at it that way. But yeah it makes alot of sense.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…