Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
Hey if you read it well enough…the Guest tells poeple to fuck off on their own site…..
That would be excelent.
Indeed don’t allow infidels to get to you….besides I’m sure many people go through that…Hell we can’t just say “I’m a Vampyre” and expect people to truely believe you. Open minds are less common now a days.
*sigh* More fairytale readers it seems…..and dont get manson contacts….you can get
uv light blue contacts….much better
Hey thanks lots people.
Thank you for the fine welcome. Oh I live in the Ottawa region of Ontario Canada.
Du hast dich bestimmt schon mal gefragt, warum der Bäcker an der Ecke, der Barista…
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