Any chance of rescheduling this for sometime soon?
Cyberpunk zeigt uns eine Zukunft, die zwar mit schillernden Neonlichtern und faszinierender Technologie lockt, zugleich…
Posted In: Die Matrix des Cyberpunks
Any chance of rescheduling this for sometime soon?
M, I did try to, but even though it showed my account as active; it wouldn’t let me sign in. So I just reregistered. Tis ok Just glad to be back.
Hey wait……isn’t Alfred the cybersex gone wrong guy too? you know…. Mister ” I pull out my pointy wizards hat and robes” ?? Creepy….That guy’s everywhere!!!
Just saw the Friday the 13th Remake, and was suprisingly pleased. It was just a respectably fun slasher film which didn’t try to re-imagine or screw with the Jason legend. It was kinda nice. Far superior to that POS Halloween Remake Rob Zombie did, in my humble opinion.
yes but will your ultra ninja suit fade in the wash? That’s the big question. 😆
I do second what Cerridwen said: the mere act of drinking blood does not necessarily a Vampyre make. Vampyres such as myself have a physical need for blood. it is something we require like a diabetic requires insulin shots. For those of the Vampyric lines blood helps us requlate our moods, heal ,manage pain, and use our natural gifts. While a regular human may just get a bit stoned from the endorphines. If the former sounds like you, then perhaps you should explore a bit and see if Vampyre is a fit if not, well then we’re still glad to have you as a friend and sometime donor, Sweetlust. Oh and Cerridwen, try not to take the origional post too seriously. He’s known for his dark sense of humor. The response was completly a toungue in cheek commentary and by no mean represents the opinions of the Vamp community or its manangement. 😆
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