tis’ a queen we’low that fronts me now “shakes head” fore shame for shame….met you your match, with the vendow, meet you your match with the EATERS OF THE DEAD?
In any given situation, humanity is capible of what some would call great acts of grotesqueness, ” or what would be considered so my modern society” as mentioned previously by the countess many cultures in the past thought it an honour to eat the dead or those slain in battle. one must abstain from eating the brain thou, as this has been proven both scientificly and medicaly hazardious to do so, and tibetian monks to not get an earth burial they do what is known as sky burials where when they die their fellow monks set there corpse on a mountian top and set around to watch as vultures eat them, thus completing the circle of life….
would i eat a dead human to sustain my life, with out hesitation so long as it was properly cooked as we all know cooking kills all or presumably kills all harmful things, ” like any gona-scyphil-herp-alaids they may have”
a more interesting question to pose thou might be would you be willing to kill one of your fellows on this trip in order to survive, and how would you decide who it was that you killed, or perhaps would you just wait till they died from the injuries they might have sustained, or mysteriously sustained in the night when no one was looking?