Ask and you shall recive….
I could If given enough motivation compose a written formal analsys on the poem, yet for the moment I choose not to do so simply because I plan on reading it a few more times. I am rather picky about my poetry and in truth few manage to catch my intrest. I was lauded in my poetry class ( which just finished, in grand fashon with marked reciatals of orignal works my selected members of the class ) as the one who always has something negative to say about the assigned poetry readings…I found them boring. I like your poem as with all poems I like It has something that manages to catch my attention. I one knows me they should know what this is but more fun is a like response of a poem in similar fashon along the same lines, as reading others poems often can inpires those to write their own works. So for you DWL I give this “nods his head “
La` Luna
From upon high staring down an all,
Her gaze casts a silvery glow
Looking skyward one acknowledges her glance
Whom do you see…?
The maiden, the mother, or be it the crone?
Caught in the moment, captivated by beauty,
revealed only by the night sky
Hidden by the light of day,
Yet still she looms
Awaiting the next sunset,
As to dance among the stars.