@thesunsetter wrote:
I’d vote for Nec, and if he really was recognised as one of the 7 Wonders of the World widespreadly it’d be quite amazing…
Yeah, it’d be quite an advertising stunt to nail our banner on his forehead 😉
@thesunsetter wrote:
I’d vote for Nec, and if he really was recognised as one of the 7 Wonders of the World widespreadly it’d be quite amazing…
Yeah, it’d be quite an advertising stunt to nail our banner on his forehead 😉
@Dark_Child wrote:
We normally congergate there.
Hallo Locque and welcome to the site again, just stick around for a bit and they might start talking again 😉
You could consider the philosophical approach that their minds have to regularly be nurtured with new souls and ideas to stay interested, but if you ask me they’re just too lazy to type 8)
Wow, that sounds extremely awesome! 😯
Probably something similarly evil as Shuttlecock
Genesis – In the air tonight
i thought she’d still do that
Have fun hun! 😀
-above post updated-
Transforming into an F-22 is the single most awesome deed i can mentally grasp
i want to see how schools block things when we got universally affordable UMTS or WIFI everywhere.
It’s plainly rediculous to block anything from the beginning, but for them it’s sure easier than figuring out how to keep students interested in school topics in the first place. Well, who expects problem solving from people who studied to become teachers, anyway.
While i seriously believe that most people complaining about these blocks should rather learn how to spell than be on the internet, anyway, i also know that evil finds a way – like spreading a manual via myspace – so i’ll accept discussions here for giving access to people that can’t be arsed to waste their lives with “myspace codes”.
😯 Genesis!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Sun, may the force be with you on your voyages to explore strange, new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations and to boldly go where no man has gone before!
However, “few men” would also be acceptable.
Install realvnc on your home box, get a dyndns url forward to it’s IP address and connect via dyndnyaccount.dyndns.com:5800 to your pc at home. That way you can remotely control your home computer from a browser and open websites on your own box that get displayed somewhere else, even if only in 64 colours.
You might change port forwarding in your router to another port if 5800 is blocked in your school so you can access it from 80, which will be open. On the other side it’s not impossible to get hacked that way, so you might also change it to some random wierd port that might be open.
I liked Disturbed’s version of “Land of Confusion”, even though i consider it a sacrilege to touch the works of Collins, Banks and Rutherford in any form.
Anyway, welcome to the site Jess, i hope you’ll like it here here and stick around. We need more people who understand the importance of VTK headquarters moving to inactive vulcano facilities in Japan at some point in the future
Hey there and a very warm welcome Mrs. Rava 🙂
I doubt any sysadmin would block websites and forget the proxies, probably some websites are also blocked in a wildcarded fashion, so http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://www.vampyres.tk would be blocked since the URL contains *vampyres*. Anyway, probably check out http://anonymouse.org or look for an open proxy server that you can run your notebook’s internet traffic over. Might give you a second or two lag, but you’d be free again.
Do you surf on your notebook or a school computer?
Haha! “BUT…”
Jury? Vote for death! 😀
Anyway, as it’s rather inadvisable to openly talk about jury duties in the open i’m trying to change topics, unfortunately i don’t play WOW so i’ll leave that to someone else
Hey there and welcome to VTK 🙂
I’ve got a rendered fireworks display as a screen saver. Complete with fireworks sound effects, which drives my buddies mad if i’m gone, since i passworded it.
seti@home looks pretty cyber out of the box
Then there is this hounted house which was a windows standard in earlier times, but i don’t know much others since my screensaver was an F-14 tomcat photo slide show for years ^^
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah i feel hardcore
We’re actually in the middle of doing something very kickass with the profile pages, but i won’t specify so i won’t be shitted at if it doesn’t work out 😉
The homage page will be set up the moment you show us valid photo proof of our domain name beeing tatooed all over your appendage
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…