I’m going to write my horoscope for that day, then read it and see how close I am. And warn myself: Don’t press that button!!!!
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Posted In: Gul Dukat: Der Held, den wir nicht verdienen
I’m going to write my horoscope for that day, then read it and see how close I am. And warn myself: Don’t press that button!!!!
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Sorry doll…. You know what happened? I got in my personal jet and flew over to Marietta, GA…. and what do you know, they were out of the silver model you wanted! All they had was a black model with tinted windows and chrome…. so I didn’t want to get you something you wouldn’t like, thus I flew back. Guess you won’t be celebrating Christmas this year, sorry. 😉
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
They stare you in the eye while you eat them…. unblinking…. unfeeling….. and SMELLY. Aye, fish are eeeeevil. That is the real reason the fishmongers at Pike’s Place toss them around…. you see, tourists think it’s just for show, but really it is because the fish are ~ s t a r i n g ~ at them…… *shudder*
Yes I know there’s help for ppl like me, thanx. 😉
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Please accept my apologies for the delay in posting a response…. I was borne late and have been running behind ever since. 😉 Clive is awesome…. the first book I ever read by him was Weaveworld…. that brought me in.
My favourite book was In The Flesh, if only because it contained The Forbidden, the original story behind the *crappy* movie Candyman. The Forbidden is my ultimate fantasy of the perfect lover….. demented, I know. I used to dream…. *sigh* ahhhh we won’t go there…. 😈
I agree with Rava that you should definately read the Books of Blood (I, II and III), and then move on to Damnation Game… then Cabal (if only just for The Life of Death. 8)) The Inhuman Condition is one of my favourites… it truly shows the depth of his creatively (is that a word?) genius depravity. Imajica was a bit long in the start-up but enthralling, thus worth reading later, after you have consumed a few of his other works. I did not get into The Great and Secret Show at first, but it pulls you in until you realize you’ve gone without sleep for a week and finished the whole book…. lol
Unfortunately I picked up Everville and gave it 200 pages, but wasn’t feelin’ it, so I put it down. To be fair though, I never gave it a second chance.
While you’re at it, pick up The Dark Descent …. it is a compilation (including Mr. Barker) that is certainly worth reading.
The Thief of Always is a good book, but it is a bit juvenile for my tastes… I like the books of Abarat as well, but they are seriously tame compared to what his devious mastermind can create. With the exception of my fantasy soul-mate, Christopher Carrion….. 😈
Hmmm I hope that gives you a bit of a start….
Pleasant nightmares….
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Rava dearest…. you cease not to amaze me. I knew already that you are a poet as well, yet I must commend you once again. It must run in the family….. *grin*
Aye, how right you are, I must in the future be careful what I wish for.
Thank you, both, for gracing us with your prose.
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
@Sunrava wrote:
… and I can show you such delights here in the Serial Killer Holy Land.
Mmmm I look forward to it…. it’s about time my world of earthly delights in the NW opened up to me…. 😈 Rava we shall indeed find new and as yet undiscovered vice…….. *wicked, evil grin*
Ok now I feel like a total moron… I suppose I click on the “add” button? Ah well I shall figure this out yet.
I’m not doing much for the cause, am I? lol
How do I add people? I am everso clueless…. 😕
Sorry, sometimes I suffer a serious case of B4B…… 😈
I adore your works, however you already know this… 😉 Keep up the good work.
I very much liked Spiral, as this was a new one which I had not seen thus far.
One of these days I’ll get inside that head of yours….. 😈
~*beaucoup de baisers*~
Sidonia DeMornay
@maestro wrote:
recently i had to revise my views on twentysomethings when i met at least one girl that finally behaved her age 😉 no need to mention her ass is mine ever since 😈
Hey now wait a minute…. exactly what was this view on 20-somethings that you had to revise?
Umm… and what does it mean to behave my age? Most of the 20-somethings I know are all boring in offices. Now that I’m living HERE anyway. 👿 It wasn’t like that back in California. *grrrr*
But I stray from the question…. how precisely, maestro dearest, are we supposed to behave? I usually make it a point not to behave… 😈
Mmmmmm yes I like the industrial boi type very much… There is something that is an instant turn-on to a man wearing that much metal, and of course the boots…. *shiver* On the other hand, I like my women in velvet and corsets though.
Hmmm I have had my hair every colour under the sun, my prefs were always neon/hot pink, deep violet and of course black. However one day, after toasting my hair (bleaching #11) it FRIEDt, so I decided to go punk for awhile, and dyed my hair in flame-colours. After that, I let it grow and low and behold, my natural hair colour is dark, dark brown (nearly black, you’ve seen the pics) and thus it currently is long, natural, and silken as the finest silk sheets, thank you very much. 8)
Were I to ever ruin this obtained perfection again (which should happen any day, it’s addictive and I have not done anything to my hair in 2 years! 😯 ) … I will bring it back to neon pink with streaks of violet again. I loved my anime hair.
You poor, sad, chained down people… *snicker* I have been lucky enough not to have to worry about that… besides Yule falls on the 21st this year, thus I shall have the 25th to go scare the nice little holiday folk. 😈
Alas, dearest maestro… women are not the bane of holiday festivities, commitment is. Once the chain is attached you go where she leads… *evil laughter* None shall chain me! None!!!
Happy holidays anyhoo…… 8)
@maestro wrote:
women are indeed detrimental to the way we guys used to celebrate christmas before they invaded our lives…i still remember the days when i went to the rock bar late christmas eve to grab myself some third class food and a seasonal beer-cherry juice mix and passed the time away with all other single folk 😥
Speaking of swords, have I mentioned the word fetish? 😈 Ahhh and it does not merely extend to knives, my friends… nay, anything sharp and long (hey now! That was not what I was referring to… 😉 ) and steel is a welcome addition to any…. experience. Though I suggest taking classes (or finding someone to teach you) if you plan on carrying one. I obtained my first katana several years ago from my first and only teacher (in more than sword play, but that’s another story… see my poem Victorious and that explains it all) and I have been collecting ever since.
This is my newest one is called the Ninja Tek Warrior Sword and can be found here: (Scroll down and you shall lay eyes upon my newest beauty :vamp:)
I tried to post an attachment but I don’t know how. :evil2:
I admit, I went through an excruciating stage of perkigoff, with my pink and black hair in long braids (down to my arse) and yes, in my shame I wore them in pigtails *shudder* … then I hit my $2k outfit ubergoff stage, whereupon we were all part of an elite until I told them to bugger themselves and went into hiding from the vast politics of the underground.
Now I suppose I have melded into a sorta Victorigoth style… I adore corsets and tall lacey boots (see my fetish post :twisted:) and I love my long velvet skirts and even my velvet cape that I wear when it’s snowing. I also love lace and silk, especially as my sheets. *oh so wicked smile*
Occasionally I decide to embrace my inner industrial bitch and I’ll deck myself out in all spikes and chains and 3 tons of metal (including my self-made boots which I shall post a pic of when I stop being lazy :lol:) …. though this is rare.
A good lay happens in a corset with tall laced-up boots. 😈
@necromancerza wrote:
I`m sure something will come up…. :whip:
Aye, in my not-so-humble experiences, given time, there always seems to be something that … erm…. comes up. *angelic smile* I just seem to have a way with these things….. 😈
@maestro wrote:
…so what’s your fetish?
Ooh what a delightful topic!! 😈 Hope I’m not too late to jump on this thread!
Mmmmm…. what is my fetish? That would be plural. Yet I shall list them in the closest to order of prominence….
* K N I V E S *shiver*
* Bondage
* Corsets
* BOOTS!!! (especially the ones guys wear with all the buckles and metal….. :twisted:)
* Pain …. :vamp:
* I *heart* Boobies!! 8)
That sums up the most important ones… *evil smile* The rest are for me to know… and not you. 😆
Ooooh I would take that as a challenge but I know there is no way one could get me tied up long enough to follow thru…… 😈
@necromancerza wrote:
I quite fancy a little bit of organ playing , but my organ is currently been in the dungeon. It could possably be time to pollish it up again . 😉 But alas … I do not currently have an organ player. 😈
Dare I ask how your organ became stuck in the dungeon?? *wicked giggle* Hmmm it may not be for you to polish, rather that is where an experienced organ player comes into play… 😈
I take pride in my knowledge of the … ah…. arts of organ playing, ’tis a finely honed skill….. 8)
Why maestro, thank you everso much for the compliment… 8) I just stumbled across this post. Nav`re really is a wonderful poet, I have had the opportunity of reading quite a few of his works.
Oh, and for what it’s worth, that would be Miss Mornay, or, if you please, Maîtresse Mornay… either would be just fine. 😈
Boots are a must! How can one suggest it without?? 😈 Hmmm let me think… definately my “jewelry” (aka my gear), though I agree with V … clothed is always fun. Now that I think of it, I believe it is my favourite type of lay…. besides painful, that is. And on the ground. Outside. Ahh I digress…..
Usual attire: Lace-up boots (yes I’m victorigoth, say anything and it shall be the whip for you! *wicked giggle*) … my favourite black corset (fetish anyone?) and a long velvet skirt. Alas my “gear” stays on, including my hidden-knife-crucifix and my various daggers. One of these days I’ll post a photo of my usual attire in full, but I haven’t heard enough pillow talk yet. 😈
~Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Unfortunately (not for me though) I celebrate Yule, and actually a few friends and I usually run off and decorate the local trees in saved Samhain garlands (the silly bats and black sparkly garland), and we use black and purple ornaments… one time we felt generous so we set up a little Jack and Sally (and Zero) thingy under a tree… the people took it all down the next day. *grumble grumble*
Good even, Ashe;
Aye, Lovecraft was one of the first authors I read, long ago, and I still aprreciate his works. To be completely honest, I did not much care for Dagon. One cannot beat the classic, The Call of Cthulhu. 8) Promise me you shall run out tonight and get it, I guarantee you will like it…
After Lovecraft I moved on to Clive Barker’s works… to date I have read each and every one. I suggest you read a few of his novels and tell me what you think. If you would like a few suggestions, let me know what you’re into and I shall recommend the perfect one…. 😈
I implore you to tell me more of this Necronomicon PC game of which you mentioned… I am curious….
~ Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress :vamp:
Mmmm not I, dearest, for I hold the whip…. 😈
@maestro wrote:
ok who’s gonna get his arse whipped first? 😀
Hail Nav`re, Mon poèt d’obscurité…
It is a pleasure to see you formally inroduce yourself. From what I have gotten to know of the VTK you shall fit right in… 😈 I look forward to our next correspondence. Until then, I remain….
Votre ami, votre admirateur,
Votre Huntress… :vamp:
Sidonia DeMornay
I cannot believe everyone forgot the black candles and the organ! (Hey not that organ you naughty people! :twisted:) It is extremely important to purchase a large sterling silver candelabrum and some very black candles (stay away from the scented ones, they ruin the effect) … then you must purchase a large organ like the ones in the old movies… those are most effective for ambience… hmmmm if you cannot play then it may be a good investment to also purchase a half-dead organ player. You can keep him or her in the dungeon of your castle.
WHAT?! You don’t have a castle?? 🙄 Nevermind, there’s no hope for you.
Greetings my sweet poet Nav`re….
Alas I am biased, in the fact that I know you still withold some of your more breath-taking works from the general public, and having read more than a bit of it myself I must say that you really ought to share your prose with the world… though of course I should say the darkest writings you have presented in the past would be quickly received above all. I wish to assure you that the prose I post is merely to share a part of my hidden self… I do this not to compete for talent (nor praise); as I have always approached your works with diffidence…. my pennings cannot compete, as you already know.
That said… in praise, once again, for your pennings, I present a quote from a poet long since passed…. and though he was praising a work that I agree not with, his praise sums up what I have thought this whole time, since the first prose you presented unto me….
Well might’st thy scorn thy readers to allure
With tinkling rhyme, of thy own sense secure;
While the Town-Bayes writes all the while and spells,
And like a pack-horse tires without his bells.
Their fancies like our bushy points appear;
The poets tag them, we for fashion wear.
I too, trasnported by the mode, offend,
And, while I meant to praise thee, must commend.
Thy verse created like thy theme sublime,
In number, weight, and measure, needs not rhyme.
– A.[ndrew] M.[arvell]
On Paradise Lost
Please continue to post your works, Nav`re, as I shall be eagerly awaiting…
-Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Hail brethren;
I thank thee one and all for the warmest welcome I believe I have received anywhere! I count myself as privledged to be a part of the V T and K… :vamp:
Immortal, yes… for if anyone were to accomplish the extremely difficult task of extinguishing my life force, I know my legacy (indeed all of ours… 😈 ) will last until the end of time. It is a pleasure to be surrounded by those who are so like myself.
Again I extend my deepest gratitude for the quick and warm welcome, and I very much look forward to getting to know all of you…..
Until then, I remain…
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Mmmm well if you ever find yourself needing to go from Durban to Seattle, let me know and I can serve as your tour guide … after all, what else could I possibly come up with to do? 😈
I am far to angelic to think of anything that may be considered…*gasp*… naughty!
@necromancerza wrote:
Sorry Not in that area , but wish I was. 😈
Hmmm how is it that I stumbled across a post this old, yet just happens to be on one subject which I adore? :vamp: I prefer knives, actually, and to be honest I have always detested razors… it has always seemed to me to be the wussy-pants chicken bloodletting style… no offense meant of course. Give me a long, sharp knife (or dagger) any day, especially serrated…. mmmm the pain is what makes it so pleasurable, the blood merely a sign of my impending release. 😈
Confidential information (to be broadcast across the sea…:wink: ): The best sex I ever had in my life was when my past teacher pulled a switchblade on me while we were in the car (I was driving), ran it up my thigh and held me at knifepoint until we reached his humble abode, whereupon he used his sword and dagger collection in new and interesting ways………. *sigh* That was the day that I surpassed him, bested him in combat, as it were, and received his most prized katana as something to show for it (seeing as even the scars will fade in time). Hence the photo I posted Victorious, which was taken that fateful day of both the completion of my “training” … and the best sex I have ever had in my life. Knives, sweet knives…. *shiver*
One thing I always do to my dearest toys, is to take my spider dagger (which is extremely sharp) and I carve a web with a Black Widow on their backs… always by consent of course. They know ahead of time that I do it rather deeply, then wash it with gentian violet, thereby leaving a gorgeous scar with my personal repesentation…. a black widow.
I shall silence myself now, before I scare you all away… 8)
Yours most formidably,
Sidonia DeMornay
@oraqle wrote:
since this would be a fetish forum…
i enjoy razors to let blood, but am open to new ideas. i like quick. clean cuts on myself, and whatever my partner will let me do to him/her is great.
so…anyone else? if so, what do you do/use?
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