Greetings Red Dragon;
Thank you for your post… as you already know I have begun an interesting interaction because of this matter and it has in turn led to some …fascinating… 🙄 conversations. LOL
I apologize for the debates that my rant has caused, however too many people have the wrong idea when joining up here, in my opinion. I agree wholeheartedly that questions are good, though there is one thing that I feel I ought to clarify:
@Redragon wrote:
Asking questions is good… having no knowledge of the situation… bad. Read up on vampires… for the love of the gods… please learn about it before you start asking ignorant questions!
I would rather have members asking people here (whom they have taken time to know) any questions they have, rather than reading many of the publications out there. I am sure that there are probably a few great written works on the matter, however for the most part many are fantasy novels that serve wonderfully for entertainment value only… seriously lacking in any sort of “education.” Unfortunately I am not the proper person to direct inquiring minds to any specific book (perhaps someone else can suggest something?) due to the fact that I have not read any myself. They must exist though… lol
Every question is an ignorant one, hon… we all must begin our learning (on any given subject) at some starting point. I used to tell my sister:
Now of course, since then, I have heard many a stupid question… however those are the ones that have already been addressed and discarded. I agree with you agreeing with me. 😉
I thank you for lending your support, hon, and putting up with my continual rants. 😀 I look forward to reading your contributions to the forums in the future…
Until then, I remain….
Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
Post Script: Sharp teeth are always a plus :twisted:, tho not a must….