well, while not a snake fan per say… lol. ,
I still look forward to te converation…
I am a vermin girl myself… , lots of pet rats..lol 👿
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
well, while not a snake fan per say… lol. ,
I still look forward to te converation…
I am a vermin girl myself… , lots of pet rats..lol 👿
well, if they are not going to be fair to us… I think you did the right thing.. 😉
but of course you know that being the webmaster…LOL…
glad to see you are always looking out for us .. ( the site) LOL…
😛 IO
welcome to all the new members… hard to keep up now…lol ..
I know you will enjoy your time here and possibly learn something or teach us something..
since thats what it is all about .. 😉
nice to meet you..
well, it’s about time we invaded …lol
I will join for sure and I am really honored my artwork was chosen for the site…;)
go VTK…. 😆
LOL. so sorry…; my WoW life interfers in my real life on occasion … so if I say something off the wall… possibly 3 things have happened..
1. I was in Wow mode and didnt seperate…
2. you really pissed me off or hurt me and im plotting revenge.. 😈
3. or I just plain didnt hear you… in which case I will listen closer…LOL
but thats the facts as of this point…LOL
well…. welcome… glad you are here and apparently can handle a normal conversation….
there is a lack of that in the world at the moment… lol
but anyway… hope to catch you in chat… you sound like an interesting person …
and thsts not because you can make bags,,,LOL
That was pretty good.. I was expecting a bomb to blow her up though…. 😈
I dont watch 24 ……. its really not my thing… but cool clip M…
IO 😈
LMAO…… that was cool….. I used to think some of my animals came to life during the night… lol but thank gods they were not emo … just evil….
yea emos are weird….LOL
Well, both are nice… I generally like it rough though… a few whips , some chains, and a bit of dirty words really get me going.. LOL.
I think I am a rather well rounded woman … I like the tender stuff as well.. LOL. 😈
hmmm . thats a tough question .. 😉
LOL. hope everyone was treated well by santa… , or your favorite person . 😈
welcomne to 2007… its going to be a great year ..LOL
welcome…. love to see new faces on the site.. hope to catch up with you soon .
This was really funny… 😛
and most of those do really piss me off… lol
Was this question geared toward the males? 🙂 I was wondering because the girl aspect was mentioned twice…lol.
I think the difference in lifestyles and beliefs are the biggest draw … Its kinda like being in a group that unite against the mainstream… lol
and goth people are just cool… 😈 but the music isnt bad either… LOL
Hi Ashiri…. 🙂
I havent had the pleasure of meeting you until now… but I have enjoyed your previous posts…
hopefully we can meet in chat one day… but in any case welcome back..
IO 😉
hmmm. well, that is an interesting concept… but I for one have had quite a few experiances I did nothing to deserve that caused considerable pain. 😕
Bad things happen to innocent people all the time , but is that God testing us? or the devil exerting his wrath ?
I think the whole thing is more of a balance between good and evil.. and the fact that light can not exist without dark…
something along those lines anyway… lol..
well, I have noticed on the times Ive been on, there are a lot of new members and only a few are posting. 🙁
But , I really can’t say anything …. I posted no introduction upon my arrival here and met people pretty much one at a time .. LOL..
But , that was just my way of easing into an established community.. it can be a little intimidating…
so if anyone whos new happens upon this post… please feel free to introduce yourself and
tell us you are here… you will love meeting the members here, they are all really great people..
We don’t bite …lol.. * unless thats what your into… 😈
another US person…
glad to see you.. I am in NC.. rural country… cows in abundance and what not… 😉
so I can sympathise with the ” middle of nowhere” thing..lol
hope you like the site… and don’t we love the internet? window to the world???
I agree pizza is the best.. the next is mac and cheese… I love to eat them
cheap and easy… dosent interfere with tv or partying…LOL 8)
Well,I doubt I will ever get to WGT…. since I am in the states and would need to win a lottery to get there.. 😛
but , for all of you close enough to go, us forigners appreciate the stories, pics ect…lol
but either way … welcome to the site withdraw… look forward to your posts and conversation..
IO 😉
well, effort counts for something… lol. 😛
glad to see you are around… missed you on here..
and I hope this movie is better than 1… somwe parts were ok… but i was rather amused through most..
I am sure I will watch it though.. either way…
Hello, welcome to VTK…
I tried to catch you in the chat but I guess I missed you…
anyway, glad you found us… we are a great group…. although everyone seems busy at the moment.. lol
hope you enjoy the site…
Welcome to VTK.. this has to be the most detailed intro I have ever read… 😛
nice to meet you .. hope you enjoy the site.. and meeting all of us..
Maestro 2 – servers 0 ……
works for me… 😛
* Nec… that post kicked ass…. 🙂
I have to see that…. they didnt show it in theatres here… they are protecting our souls and what not… 🙄 ( dont want to make anymore homicidal freaks than we have here now I guess… )
I suppose im buying it on dvd…. lol.
I really liked the first two…. now I am ready for hostel 2., that was a decent flick as well I thought…
minus the eye scene which was lame…. LOL
I can’t believe I have never seen that….. 😯
I am a fan of WOW…. i think the game rocks… even if people get addicted to it… heh..
I know a few dont I ujio and valek??? 😈
Too funny….
Hi… welcome to VTK….
i am going to check out your site sounds cool…. 😆
hope you get involved in the site… we are a lot of fun !! lol
excellent article… i liked it to the very end.. 😉
then i read some stuff about OJ… ugh…. it was rather disturbing…
someone start a thread on that will ya??? lol
your poetry leaves me speechless as usual,,.. 😛
kudos to you navre…
wonderful…. 😆
Welcome to VTK…. I love it when people say they are looking for a home…. I was as well.
you will really love it here…. I’m sure. 😛
we are a very unique group of people…
hope to see you posting around the site.. or in chat 😉
too short nine months??? HEH… talk to me when your prego… or ( passing a kidney srone) LOL…
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…