WOW … thats a bit ummm depressing!! 😯 where do you find this stuff Nec??? LOL
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
WOW … thats a bit ummm depressing!! 😯 where do you find this stuff Nec??? LOL
Heh..well we could do that.. how would we be different than Walmart or the other big companies in this world…… very sad if you ask me…. sweat shops are bad !!
wow… and to think some might be foolish enough to buy that???
let me change my ebay configs… LOL.
I am wary of buying most things out of country …since I am not extremly familiar with the exchange crap…
but a lot of things are WAY overpriced here… and its always stuff from other countries.. except China.. heh…
hmm .lets come up with a master plan to make some money…
* as long as we are not ripping off grandmas just stupid people.. LOL
yes….. after trying multiple times and NOT distracted by the additons…. 😉
I couldnt find the five either which kinda pisses me off .. LOL
so yea, its an impossible game… good find!!
cool, sure you could make one…
welome to VTK… looked at your site nice stuff.. glad to have you with us. 8)
yes, due to a lot of people being in different time zones we are not on at the same times..
or just life in general getting in the way.
but once we make a connection it usually sticks… lol 😀
hope you enjoy the site, why dont you do an introduction telling something about you.
often breaks the ice so to speak..
true, true… I was doing something else. 🙄
all I saw is that you hit me with some sort of trout.. LOL. and then nothing.
and Nec.. you didnt say a thing.. 👿
but perhaps we will meet up in the next few months.. HEH……
talk to you guys soon ( hopefully)
but until that time ponder this…..
what is the difference between BEER nuts and DEER nuts?
BEER nuts are 1.39 or more…..
DEER nuts are right under a BUCK….
now THATS funny!!!!!
Jeez… ok so some bad news too… well, at least we are connecting with friends… 🙂
and M… come on … you are on the site a lot… you could at least tell us SOMETHING good..!!!
hey DC… miss our chats.. glad to hear you are still kicking !! 🙂
I wish I could be on more… but you guys are always in my thoughts…
( I know thats some sappy shit aint it? ) * go ahead and roll your eyes at this point 😉
well, glad to see people are responding.. and even though we are all ” doing ” life we still get on from time to time…
hope you did well on your exams withdrawl and can get some recoup time… 😮 I know how that is …lol
and good for you cb… youll have to tell us about dorm life… thats one thing I never did…
I always commuted.. glad you are doing somethingt new!! 😀
and nec…. I am with you hun … ahh the trials of the older people.. LOL…
nah, just teasing 😈
but I know about cycles.. * sigh … at least we have beer… LOL
hopefully more will respond… glad to hear from you guys…
speak soon ,
Navre….. you writing is great as always… 😛 I dont know what to say anymore… I feel like im saying the same thing over and over.. lol
your description of the bar was awsome… I felt like I was right there with you… and I see the potential that type of atmosphere could have… 💡
the coffin club is a great name for a club… has that been done? if not copyright that …lol
love reading your stuff as always…
hmm .yep wonder whst the going price is for a soul these days… I too dont believe in the whole devil / god thing..
but nec ……if you are a an Athist how do you know satan is the losing side… ???
that was a slip my friend… and I caught it !!!!
yea me!!! 😆
anyway, people finding this site and looking for a deeper meaning to something is pretty cool…
lets start a religion thread …… lots of firey debate there I bet… LOL 😈
lol. well… this was a shock to come back to… 😉
I keep mine trimmed… I think there is supposed to be something down there.. LOL
lets see a bald guy… lol its too much trouble if you ask me…
I absolutely LOVE RHPS……. Tim Curry is very hot and a great actor…. 8) The last movie I saw in theatre was 300…. It was great ……..
I hear hell boy 2 is on the way… and 2009 offers a LOT of great movies…
thats a thought… 😈 waiting on the corsets to come in …. this picture thing is hard, when you are poor… Im always buying for some weird idea or another…. 😉
GODS…… wouldnt it be great to have unlimited budget, models ect? LOL……
* well, zek lets see some pics of your tats… they sound cool… 😛 my bite and puzzle are in my gallery… check them out.. 🙂
LOL…. if youll wear it , I’ll make it… fair enough???
and as an after post…. my first model ( and Best friend) recently got her tounge pierced !!
I feel like a proud bad influence.. big sister…. .. and shes come so far in just a few years..
* wipes a tear…. 2 tats and piercings… 8)
shes in the next shoot too…. and Im working on that …LOL
Ok. there are a couple things I am squeemish about… and this is DEFINATLY up there…
I would about tattoo anything…. but not that……LOL
my eyes are watering just looking at the pics…
kudos to those brave enough to attempt THAT….. 😯
* shudders….
What can I say but AWSOME????
great addition to the site… 8)
gives me some inspiration for my shoot…
I thought this was a great use of simple words to express a not so simple thought…
very well done.. 😉
welcome to VTK…. your picts are great.. hopefully you are close enough to hook up with M…. ( our webmaster) I think the two of you could make awsome pics…
I also love colorful images … ones that seem to tell a story .
I can’r wait to talk to you… hope you enjoy the site..
I put you in as a write -in vote… but they said they wanted pics and refrences.. 😆
just send them to me I will make sure they get them … lol 😈
Does that super ego know no bounds???? 😉
I would be forced to agree with the too lazy to type ( especially recently on my part)
I cant wait for the thought to text feature no doubt to come out in windows before too long..
but not sure how that could be censored or filtered… … that could REALLY get me into trouble… 😈
Evilning? cute.. 😉
Welcome to the site.. you sound very interesting and rather witty… i’m sure you will enjoy your stay here and meet many dark and sinister creatures… 8)
hope to meet up with you before too long..
I hope to get pictures… 😛 we are going to get there early, to avoid the middle of the mosh pit..LOL
But if none of you hear from me again …. remember I died happy !! LOL.
Hey… loved the photos…!!! they are sooo much better than last year.. 😉
I need more time to look at them individually.. but you did an awsome job this round M…
and they are organized great… !!!… and surely you must be a bit hungover? LOL
they look awsome… you rock!! now lets hear some true memories to blow our minds..
I know there are some awsome memories floating in there.. heehee.. 😉 waiting for the report.. * taps foot…
p.s. more naked.? .. heh.. im not sure I can handle it… 8)
ok. this movie may be cool and all… but I want THUNDERCATS….
lets see a movie like this with them in it… 😉
transformers were a boy thing… lol I guess im not seeing the awsomeness… LOL
It”s August 25th… which seems like a very,very long time…. LOL.
and I also am going to see Manson and Slayer… but thats for a later post. 😆
but since I have been told by my hellhole of a job not to ask for anymore time off, I doubt I will make Ozzfest… 😥
but you gotta pick and choose in life I guess…
so I will quit my job and become a groupie… LMAO… nah, just kidding..
Glad you decided to join us… 8) and after hearing Rava go on and on about you..
I am relieved to see you really exist…LOL
he was scaring me a bit.. heh..
can’t wait to talk in chat… and hope you have a blast here. Was going to say ball… but with these pervs around here you know where THAT would have went…LOL ,
well, glad to hear you had a good day… so far anyway..I had a piece of turtle cheesecake ,
so I will consider that in honor of your birthday…LOL
( any reason to eat cheesecake) 😛
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
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Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…