Merry christmas to you as well… and a happy new year!!!! 😛
mines even later than yours!!!
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: Statistik vor der Bundestagswahl
Merry christmas to you as well… and a happy new year!!!! 😛
mines even later than yours!!!
ok , the guy with pretty boobs?? kinda gross.. and looked like it came from your computer???? 😯
but I know booms are more exciting but I prefer biological weapons… they can be sooo creative!
ebola is my favorite , really. probably wouldnt be if I was infected though LOL
Ok, maybe it was the link ? and I didnt explain very well.. I had to log in to see posts …
so the post was blocked not me… sorry for the bad explanation .
and the boobs were a german playboy issue… dita von teease – you animal !!!
I thought she looked pretty hot ! 😆
LOL> yes I would like to post a complaint!!! I could not post any sexy goth pics at this time….. perhaps I deserve a refund??? I will just take my 40,000,000 donation back !
thank you.
LOL necro grinch ??? I like it!!! but I was thinking more of trip wires with a few small marburg virus clusters and maybe some russian smallpox,plauge combo ornements on the walls???
lets make them work to get in 😈
we could put them in small christas bulbs??? just a thought .
you blocked me???
but there are boobs all over galleries?? but I think a block would make people be curious to know why LOL 8)
either way, just asking… and you didnt comment??
yes its the end of an era……. 😥 but gladly we have dita von teese to keep up the charge!
amazing how much she resembles her.
LOL. me too. I think a bunker would be cozy 😆 I can decorate it for christmas….
I am so sorry to hear this news….. 😥 he was aslways so nice and wrote beautiful words here …
he will be missed.
awsome as always…. your writing skills are amazing!! so are you famous yet?? 😆
heard of a book a while ago but dont remember any news yet??
and where has your brother disappeared to?? havent heard from him either.. lol
some life update news would be nice… ( because I am nosy like that) 😉
hmmm… havent seen this yet. Now I will have to look just to give an opinion .. lol
so I blame any lack of needed sleep on you M .. 8)
I miss the days of unlimited mind – numbing tv .. LOL
Well, 38 days till the American vote is cast? after the first debate * finally happened , thought I would see who thinks what… 😯
I missed the original, I was at work …lol seems like thats the only place I am if not sleeping.. 😉
but the rebrodcaast will be tommorow and so Im going to catch that.
Wow!! that is the most awsome thing…… ever!!! I want to do that here !!! 😉
Yea NEC… LOL 😆
money is awsome!! I am starting another job on the 8th… lol I wish one was enough..
but you are like the wallpaper on the walls of our souls… we wil never part !!
( ok, cheesy so what?? ) LOL
speak soon ,
@M.. I was teasing about blocking the topic.. but I didnt see it, lol guess I should have looked before posting??
but since this thread has some comments I will keep posting with this for a bit..
being the open minded persaon I am, 🙄 I watched the RNC convention .. I didnt feel i could comment if I had not listened to both sides. Although half way into Guliannis speech I knew I would need a beer to listen further. lol
I like Sarah Palin, she is quite a speaker… although she is against most of what I belive in * pro choice, and a fairly liberal government and some gun control….
she wont get the Hillary vote, the two of them are polar oppisates but I think the are going after the independant vote..
I dont think the Republican party identifies with the “average American ” which is the entire problem .. you cant be something you are not, without looking fake. and that is how it struck me..
The whole community organizer jab was absurd… I wont even start to go into it, I will spare you that and torture my rlf with it.. 😉
but watching this, I realized how hard this election is going to be and how important it is…
so here is a link to a great site… it gives people something to look at beyond the political jargon from a pretty bi partisan group .. check it out!
LOL… you are so cute… 😉
Ok so I watched the speech from Obama… it was moving, inspirational, and aggressive..
but I have to wonder how those plans will come to frutation? I hope he can back up tough words with a tough plan ..
and Mccain picked a woman VP?? I admit to being shocked.. this will most definatly be a strange election
hmmm .why am I not amused?? 😯
LOL. well lock your doors, and know you will be missed 😥
who will I talk to??? few respond to my posts but you.. but all these people are lurking every night?? LOL at this moment… 115 visitors?? new members 1 ??
hmmm.. interesting !
anyway, take care, and hope this job thing brings you more money which is what its all about isnt it?? lol
Well, Withdraw, thanks for the question .. I have been gone a bit, so sorry for the late post…
He is a senator from Delaware… been in politcs about 30 years.. very good in foreign policy… he was chosen probably to bridge the gap with obamas new status on that.. as far as
I know he is pretty liberal.. I reccomend going to the site for details I think he is a good match for Obama.. they seem almost on the same page as far as policies…
hopefully that gives you an idea… putting a polititian in a nutshell is kinda hard ..LOL
wow!! I have nothing to say.. 😛 amazing yes???
* but glad M is so excited!!! 😀
after viewing a couple of these links… I thought how did I miss this awsomeness??? 🙄
but the true blood thing REALLY got my attention … so a disclaimer just for those that look at those kinds things.. 🙂
Synthetic blood products contain varied cellular content than actual blood. Please consult a Tru Blood Cellular Specialist for specific nutritional information.
so…. a link .. for those who cant stand it !! LOL
made me think of a super amped red bull 😛 I
IO will sell type O neg… the real stuff …. 😀 make me an offer!!! LOL
LOL ok , ok.. I didnt watch it all the way through.. my bad 😯
I think the last thing I saw more than once was lord of the rings or dead mans chest.. lol
I bslk at spending 7.00 to see a movie in the first place. 😯
I guess I am cheap. but this movie is one I definatly will buy on dvd.. 😀
my father in law went with us and he didnt like it.. he thought Batman was not portrayed correctly
he couldnt handle a darker batman, so no……. kids and seniors may not like it.. LOL
it was an awsome movie… I might see it one more time !!
Wow M… didnt know your hands were so talented… 😛
nec, you description is rather disturbing.. hope most of that was sick sarcasm..
I suppose the world pretty much sucks everywhere… 😯
so I guesss being on a dark site is a good thing? gives us a place to bitch about things
LOL. yea kfc is awsome.. and I dont eat Mcdonalds, hardly ever . Thats about nasty .
but Macaroni and cheese is my weakness m
although the rest of the time , I do try to do the healthy thing .. 😉
ahhh. welcome .. Wis eh?? do you like cheese?? 😉 I for one could live with mac and cheese ( the meal of champions ) 😈 and diet coke on any deserted island
with the random chicken ramen noodle thrown in of course… FOREVER!!!
but ….. thats a topic for a later date..
glad you joined us.. hope to see you on soon . 😉
LOL… this could be so… 😯 I might abandon ship lol
where is the best country to go to ?
any ideas? 😉
I thought this would start some shit.. 🙂 but I wasnt bitching about the price, I was commenting on Americas freak out on the price, compared to other countries.. LOL
face the rage somewhere else… I wasnt making a comparison … for christs sake I work at walmart…. I know all about poor… 😯
yes, blame my goverment but just because I live here dosent mean I agree with policies and procedures in place… Im sure you feel the same in your country ???
and I drive a honda… LOL
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
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Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…