on my birthday ??? If someone will pay my way I will SOOOO come 🙂
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: 15 Horror-Probleme, die komplett überschätzt werden #AnglerFisch #DemonFish #LittleLight #AnglerFish
on my birthday ??? If someone will pay my way I will SOOOO come 🙂
sure, I am up for that 😛
hey… welcome to the site!! too many pictures is never enough in my book 😉
so post away!! and this is a great site to be a part of.. and I dont get paid to say that * believe it or not LOL
ok, ok point taken.
and I will try to take it easy on the extra punctuation although admittedly it is very hard for me.
but my college professors agree with you that it is a rather bad habit that needs breaking … LOL
but hopefully you know anything I get thats not taken in a drunken stupor will come here first! I love posting strange things LOL
SAdly. I don’t feel qualified for these positions…. but I am working on it.
Does Manson shots count??
I think you should deal with him in your special way… 😈
look foreward to seeing you on CNN.
just take care of you, noone else will!!
bitter as usual,
I cancelled it myself.. but TY for the offer!! 😛
It is April and I just saw this… 😳
I have been gone too long. LOL
have been absent for a bit.. but still lurking 8)
hopefully, in the chat more , hope to see you there .
LOL… yes the American organization I can totally see… sadley, that would happen.
but I am sure we would get with WHO ….. and blame it on elephant crap from long lost caves, mixing with the Guano of various bat spices and human spit or something like that.
as we all know conspiracy theorys are rather rampid here.
Hmmm. maybe you should photgraph guys??? 😛
LOL. kidding.. but I think there is a message there, guess im missing it.
Twighlight bandaids??? LOL where was I ?? I am late in posting this. but I would have loved to have those..:) 😛
“Whereas [Alex] Proyas’ original was gloriously gothic and stylized, the new movie will be realistic, hard-edged and mysterious, almost documentary-style,” Norrington told Daily Variety.
documentary style??? ok.. thats a bit scary 😯
LMAO…….. go WINDOWS 7 🙂
LOL i liked that …. but being a buffy fan in the day… 🙂 i guess I would 😉
I dont mean to promote twilight as the end all of vampire stories, its in there with the rest.
a passing fad .
but this vid was pretty good LOL
thanks M for posting that… I obviously always post the wrong link, I was not secretly promoting stephanie myers… I promise!! 😳
and cold blood I am not familiar with the series you were talking about, I will have to look it up if you reccomend it.
I have seen some of true blood, and it is good. I have some friends who “gasp” that I even watched twilight… and others who really liked it. I guess it comes down to personal taste.. LOL
I didnt get to talk to you very much when you were here before, but It’s nice to see you back again . 8)
maybe this is a sign, the ” elders ” so to speak are coming back??
but this proves my theory, noone really ever LEAVES here.. ….
eventually they always come back!!
Well, i guess she touched lives here … in our community. 🙂 friendships have been forged by people who in other ways would have never met. and that was my intention in the post.
I tend to think of things in a small town perspective and extend from there.. LOL
but she will be missed by quite a few people.. 🙂
Thanks for responing M .. 🙂 and I plan to be on more… as schedule permits ! hopefully with good news next time LOL
RL would be real life…. work, bills, ect. I was spending most all waking hours at my job,
but hopefully I have more time to get online now… hope to catch you on soon 😛
it used to have more activity, but RL has infected me… and I think a few others 8)
but welcome to the site , and I am sure you will meet everyone eventually…
and its worth waiting I might add !!! 😈
we are a unique bunch of people !
wow , is that real??? it sure looks like something our stupid govt. would put out, back in the day. !!!
gets a ride, and winds up at his motel??? how stupid is this kid????
wow… makes me think of the nukes and hiding under the desk !!
thats just too much !! 🙄
how did you sneak in here? dont you know spammers are cursed with several nasty diseases???
ENJOY!!! 👿
Ahhh. ok. i will have to check those voices out to get an idea..lol 8)
it’s weird, especially now my job is on the phone and talking all day, hearing peoples accents is really interesting !
I havent been on much, working alot !!! I am praying for April 15th to get here. 😛
but hopefully we will catch each other on soon, and talk about whatever !
LOL. well a smile is always good. I am wondering though, if the smile was because of what I said, or that M was so nice about it !! LOL… he can be as mean as a pit bull!!!
either way you didnt answer, just for MY future reference do you have an accent???
I mean I sound country, like Yall, and stuff… unless I hold it back .
do you sound like someone else??? LOL i know weird question .
LOL. watched the show video… they look like a lot of fun ! I will check out their music 🙂
thanks for the info 🙂
LMAO…. wow… yes, I knew that and have no idea where I got that from , but either way the fantasy of that night was awsome !!! 8)
at least that proves VTK is often on my mind i guess….
* still wondering what the hell I was thinking??? 😯
next thing you know M … will be from russia ???
well, whatever, im NOT blonde !!!!
LOL are you asking if I saw how you look, ?? I have seen that , yes.. and you are not like, run and hide material ! but, either way…. as long as you have an accent, I can close my eyes….. 😛
and the spoiler you keep posting…. I cant get in there it dosent show anything I thought a spoiler was suposed to be juicy??? 8)
well, love the show, and abby is awsome as hell!!!! glad the music is good too… I havent heard the song yet… but i missed the episode was at work. ill have to check it out !!!
LOL cold about the same as mine. anything better is somethning 8)
although staying alive is not as big of worry as Ned seems to have
I think a bit of easier- good would be nice !!!!
the chaos symbol was my main wedding theme!!!! 😛 I missed this post somehow ?
couldnt see the spoiler but I cant wait for the tat!!!!!! I am doing my next in May!!!! so hopefully I will have pics.. and please , please , post yours!!!
I love tats! I cant wait 😈
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Nichts schreit mehr “Freiheit” als eine ganze Luftwaffe über dem Stadion! #NFL #Superbowl #Flyover ‘Superbowlflyover #SoundOfFreedom
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…