Wow… what a wonderful experience… 😉
So better think of it, next time someone says “Take a seat” and is smiling over the whole face 😈
Wow… what a wonderful experience… 😉
So better think of it, next time someone says “Take a seat” and is smiling over the whole face 😈
That’s absolutely mindless and irresponsible…
I can’t believe that anyone can trust in this piece of shit…
OK on the other hand you say that’s the natural selection, idiots are going to die of different deseases because they think their immune vampires…
But she can make that much easier and short: she could call out a suicide, because when you awake after that you’re an über-vampire… 😉
Well, I think you’re right on that…
But it’s just how things work… Not every topic interests you, I mean it’s better to say/write nothing than “Yes, I think so too”, understand what I mean?
Take me as an example, I know the site since beginning, but I’m so ofte on the road that it isn’t possible for me to take really part of it.
It’s a shame, at least because of the fact that maestro and me are sitting so often together, discussing things happening on vtk or things to change etc.
And also for me there’s the Problem that I’m sometimes really moody, with focus on this things: forums etc. I sometimes have no clue what to write and sometimes I’m not in the mood simply to read the stuff. But I think that will change as soon as I quit my job 😉
But I think, all in all, the fluctuations on the site are quite normal, the beast will not starve…
wtf? lol
That’s absolutely cool! 😉
lol… you mean fat bombers in very very tight clothes???
Well I think most of it makes the mystic, the mysterious darkness and the fact that it isn’t normal in the eyes of the common society…
It has a bit of beeing an outlaw, a rebel 😉
Work makes it hard for me to join discussions or else,
I often have not the time to read any posts or even join a chat…
That’s a bit paradox because I’m online all the time and working for an ISP…
But that”s how thing are: weird 😉
Well, V for Vendetta has been absolutely great !!!
But Doom the movie has rocked everything, the ego point of view near the end of the movie has been that cool !!!
M do you remember that LAN night, playing to Full Metal Jacket all the time in the background? 😉
lol… well, since the barbecue listening to Johnny Cash… 😉
Probably you’re right on that,
Well but what about an ebam/industrial only party without the skirt-fraction???
With face and clothing controls at the entry? lol
That could work fine ^^
btw perfection is the goal…
resistance is futile!! 😉
LOL…. Well, I can only hope that there’s no Windows running on Tricorders…^^
Otherwise Mr Trcorder would be dead, very short after making that joke…^^
Well, my list is :
of course 😉 VNV Nation – beloved
CombiChrist – Without emotions -or- Blut royale
Apoptygma Berzerk – Until the end of the world -or- Nonstop violence
Covenant – We stand alone (Club mix)
Welle:Erdball – Starfighter F-104G -or- 23 -or- commodore64
Front242 – Headhunter
and for sentimental times
VNV Nation – liebestod, standing, too close
Diary of Dreams – Traumtänzer
Apoptygma Berzerk – Nothing else matters,
Uriah Heep – Lady in black
Welle:Erdball – sinnlos
The cruxshadows – Marilyn, my bitterness
Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue – Where the wild roses grow (hell, yeah I know that’s not gothic :wink:)
Wumpscut – wreath of barbs -or- sehnsucht
Rammstein – ohne Dich
Siebenbürgen – The roses bleed at night
Grave Digger – Legion of the lost -or- Braveheart
and last but not least my beloved album of Runrig – long distance, my favourite song: Loch Lomond
Well, but it seems to be aye hard, to make difference in what is “true” goth and what is not…
I mean, in former, there has been stuff like rock, goth rock etc .
Do you think the electronic music does effect on “real” gothic?
Is it possible to combine all those genres, like done overhere in Germany?
I think there must be a reason, why every party location separates the styles….
btw where from scotland are ye? caus half of my family’s from stirling and around….
Well, what can I say? 😉
Many things to care for… ^^
Yesssss. you’re right, maestro and my baby…^^
Watch here
lol… that’s too hard…
i make such a sign for my window…
but the woman doesn’t need to have a boat, she needs a scirocco… 😉
Yes, that’s the way it should be… 8)
And should seriuos think about those stickers or this license-plate holder-thing….
sorry for my vocabulary…. 😉
I think a professional banner exchange would be aye cool..
Or what about some stickers for cars, especially ours? 8)
Well, this is just a fashion-show and nothing else…
And you know it! 😉
If you want to celebrate your fetish it’s the right place… 🙄
If you want to party, you better look for another location…
ja man sollte tool-time kennen…. du weißt doch: der heimwerker-king….^^
jaja nach nem e is man oft auf nem trip…*g*
wie war das noch? wir sollten zum ursprünglichen thema zurückkehren? 🙄
@Nordamus wrote:
…. ausserdem wird hier eh jedes forum dumm und dämlich gelabbert…das sollen wir uns vielleicht mal abgewöhnen.
WIR???? 🙄
Aber mal im Ernst…stimmt schon….. Aber das Problem is halt, dass eh immer dieselben posten und dadurch sind die einzelnen Standpunkte recht schnell biestimmt und es kommt eigentlich keine wirkliche diskussion zustande……
Ach du glotzt doch eh nur auf die titten!!! ^^
hallo?! Die is einfach nur hohl… mal angenommen die würd mir bei meiner bude helfen, dann würd ich die sobald die dat maul aufmacht ausm fenster schmeissen!! muhahahar! 🙂
DU warst nicht gemeint…. *g*
Hey sie geht immerhin IRGENDEINER Beschäftigung nach und gammelt nicht nur faul rum! Gell?! ^^
well, i learned spanish too… but not really successfull… 😀
I got the worst grade you can get….. And so the only thing i can say is: “una cerveza porfavore!” 😛
@maestro: You are annoyed of the spanish on irc? i’m bombed by messages from the US…. 🙂
weil wir faul sind…bzw weil wir ansonsten noch andre dingen zu tun haben…^^ wir sind nich solche leutz die in den tag hinei´nleben….*g*
ja das ist in der tat so… denn sonst würde ihnen wohl aufgehen dass sie ein beschissenes langweiliges, von anderen bestimmtes, leben führen….
lol…. nein das glaub ich nicht, tim….ähm…jonas ^^
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