Verfasste Forenbeiträge
Fuck if I know. I know here, though, you have to be at least 18 to engage in any kind of BDSM-like activity here, due to all the shit with the Spanner case that people seem to always go on about. Bleh.
Which orifice is he bringing it out from? Will it be done manually, or will there be surgical tools involved? 😉 😛
Pft, organized religion based loosely on vampirism… Yuck.
@boi wrote:
@maestro wrote:
jenny the tradgoth cutie
w00t! there aren’t enough tradgoth fems these days. *sigh* I remember the good old days when ……zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ
Hey, well think yourself lucky. Down here we ain’t got no traditional or modern, it seems.
@Anonymous wrote:
I think the translation has a small quirk. Essen is a city in Germany and in this city a new business to sell clothes will be opening soon.
The Trashstore is a shop that was recently burned down and recently re-opened.
Ah, I see.. Thank you. 🙂 Why is it called Trashstore, do you know?
Amperestunde, sehe ich. Danke. 🙂 Warum ist es benannt Trashstore, Sie weiß?@Sisi wrote:
Did anyone notice, the Trashstore has again opened?
In addition, a new shop with clothes in food is to be opened shortly.
That becomes so slow an offer in excess at Gothic clothes.
The nerve!!!What is the “Trashstore”? I don’t think I understand. 😕
Clothes made of food? o_O
Was ist das “Trashstore”? Ich denke nicht mich verstehe 😕
Kleidung gebildet von der Nahrung? o_O@maestro wrote:
Well, after going to leipzig last year where nearly everyone got free press entry for being part of some “Finnish internet portal” I am really considering trying to get some kind of press entrance thing going.. but i think we might be more successful with that once we have an audience 😉
and you’d wonder how vain most goffs are…i have no problem at all finding people for the photoshoots 😈
landscapes are fine too, i just primarily want to stay away from filling the galleries with graveyard pics as everyone and his sister already has them.
of course if its a killer graveyard…^^but back in German:
Still if someone wants to help in any form, please say!Heh. Yeah, once we grow to be a bigger site, we can get more promotions done as more people will recognize who we are (hopefully).
Cool about the goths, I hope that’s not just in Germany (goth-central, you lucky bastard maestro ;)), maybe I could get some pictures done for from England too, if I am lucky. I don’t have any gothy-type friends to get photographed, though, yet, there are very few around here, let alone pretty and female. 😕
Heh. Yeah sobald wir uns entwickeln, seien Sie ein grösserer Aufstellungsort, wir kann mehr Förderungen erhalten erfolgt als mehr Leute erkennt, wem wir sind (hoffnungsvoll).Kühlen Sie über die goths, ich hofft ab, der nicht in Deutschland (goth-zentral, Sie glückliches Bastard maestro;)) gerade ist, möglicherweise könnte ich einige Abbildungen auch erfolgt für von England erhalten, wenn ich glücklich bin. Ich habe keine Gothyart Freunde, zum fotografiert zu erhalten, obwohl, dennoch, es sehr wenige herum hier, geschweige denn recht und Frau gibt. 😕
@Sisi wrote:
@maestro wrote:
Thanks. 😉
On the weekend the gallery site and classified ads are added and the new banner exchange, the first pictures of our great models are already developed… only have left to do the discopics and the associated ASP experiment…
But today, going to watch The Matrix… has been a long wait 😉
So.. Now I have finally found the time more exactly to look at your hp. I am a white woman, I am also not yet completely ready exactly here. However, I think I am quite fast for going out. Everything’s clearly been well developed… I hope to get on the gallery on your site fast. I am at times really strained in the photos that you shot… Main thing is I am back from vacation for the first time again, and can again have a night-life until autumn, which I already missed totally… I go out with you on Wednesday in the North am?
Can I also go out with you for the party on Friday Bochum am?
Otherwise :chopchop: 😀
Hmm… the smilies are beautifully at play there…
If I had better English I could also write in the English forum. I don’t dare however, yet, though….
It would be good if you could make some in German…@maestro wrote:
hm, if Sisi says that I am going to the party on Friday, I probably am. 😉
Also, you can post everywhere, in the English forum not all speak English as their native language… and… my group are part of those also 😀
Also the problem with the German site is the fact that it is at first not really worthwhile for myself (only about 20% of the German site visitors use the German side at all) and is also technically less possible, because it would be rather difficult to translate everything… like the forum here, for example… there the group I rather forum as n year at the German forum rumzubasteln… however times schaun, ever after like many people become gibts perhaps also an individual forum sometime…
The photos long class out, however I must few attitudes nen still on rumschrauben then get the gallery on-line
Good luck you two on the photoshoot, that is if you haven’t done it already. It is quite hard to translate for me some words, sentences and meanings. 🙂
I hope my translations also help a bit for people who speak English and no German too, heh.. Maestro, what do these words mean: gebrabbel, verstehn, leipzip, Bochum, carouse, discopics? It’d be great if you could help me out a bit, I’d love to learn better German. I made the wrong decision in taking a French GCSE examination instead of a German one. 👿
Gutes Glück sind Sie zwei auf dem photoshoot, das, wenn Sie es nicht bereits getan haben. Es ist ziemlich hart, für mich einige Wörter, Sätze und Bedeutungen zu übersetzen. 🙂helfen I Hoffnung meine Ãœbersetzungen auch einer Spitze für Leute, die Englisch und kein Deutsches auch sprechen, heh.. Maestro, was Mittel dieser Wörter tun: gebrabbel, verstehn, leipzip, Bochum, carouse, discopics? It’d ist, wenn Sie mir aus einer Spitze helfen konnten, ich würde lieben, besseres Deutsches zu erlernen groß. Ich traf die falsche Entscheidung, wenn ich eine französische GCSE Prüfung anstelle von einem deutschen ablegte. 👿
Heh. 😉
*Ponders whether that was sarcasm, or if he’s just overreacting*
Ah, fuck it. *Goes back to slaving away over a hot Notepad window.* 😉
Do what you want, of course.. If you can decide 🙂 – But personally, yeah, I think black and red would be pretty cool. Both full black and black n red have their merits, though. *shrug*
maestro:clearly my friend, hereby we make you the first official VTK photographer in England 😈
expect girls running in your door soon 8)
Lol. Great.. But I’d need to go to London or somewhere like that really to find any cool gothic grrls. Here it’s just countryside and smallish towns, goths are an extremely rare breed, or at least goths that dress gothic – even *slightly* gothic. It’s unusual for someone to be even wearing black, let alone leather, PVC, or any of that that kind of thing, lol.
Plus, I’m not sure whether they’d really want their photo taken for this site, not knowing much about it.. Hehe. How about giving me an official description, press release kind of thing about what VTK is and what it wants to achieve with it’s galleries? 🙂
Lol. Groß. Aber ich würde nach London gehen oder das alle kühlen gotischen grrls finden irgendwo wirklich mögen müssen. Hier ist es gerade Landschaft- und smallishstädte, sind goths eine extrem seltene Brut, oder die mindestens goths, die gotisches kleiden – sogar * etwas * gotisch. Es ist ungewöhnlich, damit jemand gleichmäßiges tragendes Schwarzes, geschweige denn Leder, PVC oder irgendwelche von dem diese Art der Sache, lol.
ist Plus, bin ich nicht sicher, ob sie wirklich ihr Foto wünschen würden, das für diesen Aufstellungsort genommen wurde und nicht weiß viel über es. Hehe. Wie über das Geben mir einer amtlichen Beschreibung, ist Pressekommuniqué Art der Sache über was VTK ist und was es mit ihm erzielen möchte, Galerien?
True… At least it’s better than nothing, and it helps with words that I do not know myself. 🙂
Zutreffend… Mindestens es ist besser als nichts, und er hilft bei den Wörtern, daß ich mich nicht kenne. 🙂
:p 😉
maestro:so, here give-prayed laberei also times in German, postet about what their post want, people, parties sonswas completely all the same!
to run somehow here there to be brought must waers well if times n few discussions entstehn became hereParties are very cool. 🙂
Not many discussions so far.
By the way, did you actually know I was born in Germany? Can’t remember if I mentioned it before. I’m not officially German though, my parents were both English, they got a special licence or something so that I was an English citizen not German. 😉 I’m not joking, I have it on my provisional (scooter/moped) driving licence, hehe. My German language skills are terrible though, I did lessons on it for 2 years in high school but I forgot most of it, so I have to help with dictionaries and the babel fish.Beteiligte sind: sehr kühl 🙂
Nicht viele Diskussionen bis jetzt.
Übrigens kannten Sie wirklich mich wurden getragen in Deutschland? Kann nicht sich erinnern, an wenn ich es vorher erwähnte. Ich bin nicht offiziell Deutscher zwar, waren meine Eltern Englisch, erhielten sie eine spezielle Lizenz oder etwas, damit ich ein englischer deutscher Bürger nicht; war) Ich scherze nicht, ich habe es auf meinem provisorischen (scooter/moped) Führerschein, hehe. Meine deutschen Sprachenfähigkeiten sind zwar schrecklich, tat ich Lektionen auf ihm für 2 Jahre in der High School, aber ich vergaß Meiste, also muß ich bei den Wörterbüchern und bei den Babel Fischen helfen.
Mac: Hey… you has so slowly everything finished…. Class looks genuine!!!
maestro: thanks
on weekend still gallery the side and classified advertisements are added and nen banner exchange, the first pictures of our great models are already developed… only with discopics and the associated ASP experiment must I still which schaun…
but today ersma matrix fahrn… times long as becomesWell, the continual development of the site is looking pretty good so far. 🙂 maestro, I hope you realize what a lucky bastard you are to have all those cute g0th grrls around you to photograph.. Hehe, maybe I’ll start my own website 😉 Or…. You could make me an “official” photographer for to get some English grrls too? 🙂 Hehe. I am not totally sure how the whole photographing process is done normally, though, but I’m a quick learner. *grin*
Gut schaut die kontinuierliche Entwicklung des Aufstellungsortes hübsches gutes so weites:) Maestro, hoffe ich, daß Sie verwirklichen, was ein glücklicher bastard Sie alle jene netten g0th grrls um Sie zur Fotographie haben sollen. Hehe, möglicherweise beginne ich meine eigene Web site;) Oder…. Sie konnten mich einen “amtlichen” Photographen lassen, damit etwas englische grrls auch erhält? 🙂 Hehe. Ich bin nicht total sicher, wie der vollständige fotografierende Prozeß normalerweise erfolgt ist, obwohl, aber ich ein schneller Anfänger bin *Grinsen*
@maestro wrote:
i could send you tons.
of course only those big mommas in pvc.
the rest is mine 8)
Fuck your momma! Fuck your sister! 😛 (Rob Zombie’s ‘House of a 1000 Corpses’ quote.. you have to watch this film just for the mouthy clown at the start, lol.)
@maestro wrote:
girl is in france so im waiting for her to come back .. gonna do another one tomorrow with jenny the tradgoth cutie 😯 😀
Lucky bastard, lol. 😉 No gothy girls here!
Awesome… 😉
@maestro wrote:
can we get ontopic now?
Probably not… Seems we’ve got a bit of an idea famine here. 😕
@maestro wrote:
christmas has less to do with the birthday of this person than with the commercially overblown celebration that celebrates – if anything at all – commerciality itself now, our main figure is not that mythical guy, not even the Christkind ( which could be roughly translated as christian child or christ as child) anymore…instead the coca cola icon of Santa Clause and it’s red colour dominate everything and the whole festival is fully mutated into something totally different than anything remotely christian ( with all its negative connotations) – indeed it’s a holiday one can actually enjoy.
it is now more a party because there is a cause for a party…and that fits exactly to my standards
What maes said. 😉
Physical location might be possible tho’.. Ya never know. Plane tickets can be cheap(ish) sometimes nowadays. *Shrug* I vote England, ‘cuz I’m poor. 😉
No problem, glad to help. 🙂
E-mail me at (change the “0” [zero] to a “o” [the letter o] before using that address.. just to stop the webcrawler programs from picking up my e-mail and subscribing it to spam lists ;)) if you have any stuff you need doing, if you’re still looking for volunteers to help out with the site that is? 8)
I’d probably go with the more “traditional” goth-type stuff, although pvc and so on is good when the right people wear it – I really don’t get why fat people wear it, it only emphasizes their size 😯
Heh.. Never seen anyone in either of those though, around here. Kent is hardly goth central. 😉
One thing that you didn’t mention… Because of the whole 2 sections to the forum thing, you do NOT click the profile in the forums bit, you go to “Your Account” on the left hand side.
If you go to the profiles bit in the forums section, there is all the “subSilver” and so on, but no VTKpurple to select. 😉
It’s definitely an improvement. One thing, though. The top banner bit, with the huge black space. You should modify the image to have a “ forums” logo on it or something… It looks pretty crappy for it to be all empty like that. *Shrug*
I have no fucking clue. 😉
Do you have any ideas maestro, maybe?