I don’t think it matters it is art isn’t it?
Deutschland, Land der Dichter und Denker, international bekannt für zwei Sachen: Falls jemand Deutschlands größte…
I don’t think it matters it is art isn’t it?
Poor cat 😥
Hello I recommend some seditives. Ones big enough to knock out that elephant of an ego you got.
Hello and Welcome.
I’d rather walk than take the bus.
Hello 😀
Itf you want attention go get it cuz no one is going to hand it to you on a silver platter.
So you can’t just be on the site cuz you like it ? You have to have people like you first? I don’t think you know how your post sounds to other people.
Do other people control your life or do you? Not every person you meet in your life is going to like you so I suggest you not worry about it.
LOL What a dumbass!!
As always it is a pleasure to read.
Welcome back.
I guess…
Wasn’t the written one you showed me longer?
And you say you can’t write poetry 😀
I don’t see anything wrong with it.
I’m sorry for your lost Vixen 😥
Why wouldn’t you give a reason? It is the same as leaving without any answers just that you are there to question but won’t answer.
Props to ya M, that is great!
I love your story!
I hope you feel better.
That sucks. I’m glad I don’t smoke and my lighters are more like torches so people don’t use them. Also God forbid if anyone steals it 👿
So sad Rava, but very touching.
Welcome to VTK
I guess you shouldn’t be on the site when you are not supose to be. Or is that too hard for you to do?
Welcome Seth.
How was I surppose to know that? 😕
Deutschland, Land der Dichter und Denker, international bekannt für zwei Sachen: Falls jemand Deutschlands größte…
Die #Ukraine leider, #Israel kämpft gegen seine Nachbarn und #Trump ist auch nicht mehr ganz knusper.
Was tun wir?
#MikeCheck, 1,2,3