So despite media reports of a giant hurricane that will blow the shit out of europe the last two days went along rather normal. But what would you expect if the chief of emergency anything has enough time to babble off 30 minutes in morning television that they don’t know where whatever will happen some time – instead of hovering around with a giant search-and-rescue/destroy helicopter space ship to actually save people.
All i saw in the recent days were a shitload of emergency responders idly dozing off in front of government buildings in vehicles that were in fact built to respond to distasters like global thermonuclear wars, but in 1957.
Who services these things? How many of these heroic emergency responding people in reality don’t fight fires but rusty screws on cars that place a security risk themselves instead of helping anyone?
Would national desasters not be better solved if we put all these redundant people servicing redundant cars in nice burgundy uniforms and require them to stand with automatic rifles on each side of government building doors like in “24”, which would at least look cool?
Anyway, what i originally wanted to say is that europe survived that storm without major losses (besides in number of stocked donuts at dunkin’ ) – but since noone here is brilliant enough to build houses out of wood near hurricane zones that was pretty much what we all expected.