I was wondering. Are there any real vamps present? And if so, what kind?
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: general vamp stuff
I was wondering. Are there any real vamps present? And if so, what kind?
ooo inheritor vamp. Somebody’s been reading (and believing ) catherene, teacher of night’s children’s site. First off, put the Vampire chronicles book down, back away from your Brujah clan guide and remove the “Hi I’m Lestat, wanna suck?” name tag, ’cause it’ll impress no-one.
Yes, there are vamps here, all kinds, some like yourself, all frilly shirts, merlot mixed with blood and crushed velvet, also some psyvamps/psi-vamps or however they are spelling it this week and a bunch of dhaaaaaaaarling goth types.
Maestro caters for all. He’s really not that fussy who shares his bed.
Damn, guess I’ll have to stop saying stuff like that, I’m sure his good lady will be baying for MY blood, vamp or not.
Her stuff is what makes the vamp scene appear as a bunch of wierdos and creeps – gladly noone of the media found her website yet or you couldn’t even go out in black anymore in fear someone would think youre a vampyre 😛
Anyway V here again had one of his weak moments, excuse him – his jealousy makes him forget that either my gf or his ass are the only ones to end up with me in my bed, As my gf is available for me all the time i dont need to come back to the second option so he’s kinda unsatisfied…imagine you run around with a stick in your ass and you know it’ll the only thing to get there for a LONG time…wouldnt you be pissed?
No SHE is what makes us appear as weirdos. “I have scientific proof given to me by real SCIENTISTS of genetic-vampire-blood-dna-conspiracy type thing. Which I can’t SHOW you as it was entrusted to me in secret, but sure I can MOUTH OFF about it, he never said I couldn’t do that. PS the governement want to silence this”
Hell, *I* want to silence her… mad ol’ fruitcake.
Look for Inanna Arthen’s stuff, slightly less batty (only slightly though) and a hole heap more accurate.
As for the media finding her, I’m sure she HAS been found and I’m also sure her site got a nod when some nut-job teen went on a killing spree. Nice to see she’s bringing the right kind of attention to the community. Truth be told though, the people who digest and regurgutate that shite are the one’s who will go around cutting up bunnies and pensioners.
Here’s hoping that she inspires some nut to go on a spree and gets shut down. Ideally her mouth will become a public convience for a large camel herd therefore meaning my ears are free from her crap.
Get the feeling I’m a little grr at the moment ? *g*
And Maestro, hun, sugar, sweetheart, or whatever other name you got called during your short prison vacation, you really HAVE to get over this ass fixation, it isn’t healthy. You have a girl now, try being straight for a while, give it a chance, you never know, you may like it. As for finding something that would satisfy in comparison to you ? No problem, I’m sure I have a toothpick around somewhere. Slightly more personality too.
i have no ass fixation, there is just no other orifice on you that is tidy enough – compared to your mouth id rather fuck your ass, there are less evil things coming out from.
And for beeing straight, i am – i only worry about you beeing sexually underchallanged at the moment – with that attitude you wont even get a phonebooth fuck by a fat old biker.
my family is only big in bringing other people harm – and we’re going for great lenghts to do that
if you were in asia some of my niggers would hide in a rice bowl to stick a grenade in your stomach, but if precise smartpoo is the answer to the problem we might even bribe the man above to let us in.
you are white my friend, therefore any use of the word “nigger” is offensive, racist and should have you locked up serving time as the apple of “bone crusher” jones’ bitch.
Serious though, interesting as your imagary is, it would imply you have connections, relationships, friendships, people who admire and serve under you … all of which assume you have an aspect of either charm, or commanding leadership.
Tomorrow I’ll find you a mirror and explain why the above assumption brought so much hilarity to my part of the office.
You, Maestro, never fail to make me laugh.
Bringing up the charm argument: i at least didnt have to change the continent i live on to find someone who’d shag me 😛
neko: while i dont support 14 year olds beeing on this site cheers for bringing a solution to the questions of where all the underage gothic sluts come from 😉
Maestro, she is resisting assimilation…… 😯
@necromancerza wrote:
My comment 1
My comment 2
and finaly my long awaited closing statement.
Those didn’t work. 😥 Angelfire struck me down!
Just wait a sec Lady_D while I ass – sitimulate you :whip:
So ‘nigger’ is an offensice term meaning a black person, and ‘Nigga’ means friend?
I’m confused. Does bitch still mean the gf that fucks your best mate?
and is the Bastard still the best mate who fucks your gf?
I hope so otherwise i’ll have so appologies to make.