this one is taken from the german forums:
Where can two (or more) people have even more fun than at home? 😈
Posted In: sex
out and about?
Mmmm… I’ll share one of mine.
Here in Durban i went to a newyears party at a sugarcane plantation.
Had sex in the middle of the field (the leaves of sugarcane are like blades)
and got cut real well.
A lot of bugs made their way near my ass that night , but none of them lived to tell….
Good fuck though. ❗
Would you like to hear another one?
Underneath some roads here , they have big stormwater pipes (more like tunnels).
In my younger years , I went down there with a girl and got pretty friendly with her 😉 .
I cant remember much of the details anymore , but as I recall I was very stiff ….. as she was the next morning .. hehehe.
(not the best place to do if but for a 15 year old getting laid .. it was perfect)
I rate location 6/10
The deed 5/10
Hmm…Abandoned warehouse…. complete with bottomless wellpit
Using necro’s rating:
Deed : 8/10
Position : 4/10
Fun ratio : 10/10 😈
ahh well im shure this to most will not seem as interesting as some others but seenings as such a thing is / was made availible to me on occasion once or twice i shall put it down here,…..
Back seat of a patrol car…” A.K.A police crusier ” All I have to say is that it is very difficult to make out in the back seat of a car when there is a cage seperating the back seat from the front seat…..all the while your supposed to be doing the whole protect serve buissness,..
at 0200 on a boring wensday morning….and yes it invloved two MP’s and we each carry two sets of hand cuffs….
A true gentle man never revels his conquests….
True gentleman .. 😯 Where ❓
@Navre wrote:
A true gentle man never revels his conquests….and I am only slightly inclined so I’ll anstaine from all the naughty details…
..i wont say where, but i will say that cyber space is the perfect place to share your conquests….after all we never are who we say we are….and anyways… started the story…so finish it 🙂 ……even if it is real bad…im sure we can all stand alittle x rated material…..else we wouldnt be in the “sex” forum….. 😉
….after all we never are who we say we are….
😯 What ❓ Am I the only honest person on the web ❓
(be yourself … but be choosy on the information you divulge to others)
So who are you if you are not who you say you are ?
I am me … but if that’s a lie, then I don’t know myself 😡
PS.. have you introduced yourself ?
At least give us some info about the fake you…
(I will never believe a word you say henceforth 😉 )
Thank you Nec … no, sadly I am who I say I am without certain bits of info that may get me stalked or otherwise affect my life. That’s why I can chat on the phone with people I meet on the net, cause generally I feel like there’s no reason to hide a bunch of stuff … I’ve had enough crap in my life without the knowledge that I couldn’t make any friends because I am really a big huge 65 year old man pretending to be a 26 year old ruler of the universe. Hey I never said I wasn’t delusional, only honest. And last time I checked I was a 26 year old ruler of the universe, disguised as a goth princess.
And I agree with necromancerza, intro your fake self (or even your real one if you are so inclined :wink:) and prove you’re not just on here to hang around in the sex forums and listen to Nav’s sex stories… LOL Believe me, I love porn as much as you do however at least these people know I’m a perv and expect it because they actually know me….. they know I am an egotistical, sadistical, preverted, self-serving beeotch…. (just like Nec lmfao)… that’s the real me. Your turn.
And once that’s done, please Nav, we are all intrigued to know a few of these things… as one of those who is who they say they are, I know you’re a gentleman and all that but you’re a perverted one too… LOL C’mon, I’m bored, get on with it…. 😈
well as Vixen was ever so kind enough to point out I like most here am not a true gentleman, I merly have moments of,….Discrestion and genrally it always happens around this topic, so ill just have to leave you with the thought of what exactly is possible with four sets of handcuffs, and a spot in the woods where no one and I do mean no one is likely to find you at 2 in the morning….I leave it to your dirty little imaginations on this one…”with the exception of an actual challange from the person who might have issued it in the first place.
I reserve the right to not comment … but I decline that right 😀
I don’t believe you Navre, prove is with pics … hehehe 😈
Hmmm well I am not afraid to admit my sins so here goes a short list of places that were unconventional.
Paris Subway rush hour
On horseback during a fox hunt
The Roman Coliseum **in the section where the gladators were kept**
During the lightshow at the Acropolis in Athens Greece
On a balcony on Bourbon Street during Marti Gras
@Navre wrote:
A true gentle man never revels his conquests….and I am only slightly inclined so I’ll anstaine from all the naughty details…
true gentleman tells details but doesnt name names….. that’s really being discreet….
i like sex in shopping malls – so in between all the shopping (one of my favrit things) i can take a sex break (another of my favrit things) – and while it can prove a bit of a challenge finding somewhere for you and your man to have a quickie, wijth another girl its so much easier – change rooms are the best, esp with surround mirrors…..
Yes .. dwl .. i know how this story goes ..
First sex .. and then he has to take you shopping
and empty his wallet .
Public toilets anyone ? Come on .. show of hands ..
I only have 3 public toilet engagements under my belt.
All clean toilets
Sex rating … allways above 7
But – 1 for unmanuvrability .. 🙁 – thise things are so small.
Beach public showers ( not outside ones) rate better.
@necromancerza wrote:
Yes .. dwl .. i know how this story goes ..
First sex .. and then he has to take you shopping
and empty his wallet .
I dont spend my man’s money – that’s not what I’m like…. and implying that my sexual favours can be bought….. that’s real nice.
Only man’s money that I spend is daddy’s. And he’s only but too happy to spoil his only daughter.
my sexual favours can be bought….
Oh well …. there goes my chance 👿
necro – that’s the lamest thing i’ve heard all day… you of all people know exactly what your chances are…. or are not….
Everything has it’s price, that’s true…. but when there’s nothing any man can buy me that I cant buy myself or daddy cant buy me…..then there’s no way I would need to ‘sell’ my sexual favours, as it were…. Furthermore – its a two-way street… give me what I want sexually, and lots of it..and I’ll do the same – there doesnt have to be any actual currency involved…or even anything of material value…
you give me what I want sexually, and lots of it..
I could not have said that better 😈
necro – and what would your wants be?
Does someone openly and willingly ask me what my wants are 😯
Remember rule no one …. dont ask if you dont want to know 😉
As some apparently important person once said in some important book or another – “Ask and it shall be given unto you….”
you give me what I want sexually, and lots of it..
I stick to this statemant 😉
that still leaves my question unanswered….
Well.. There’s a new side of Navre I had never seen.
back to the actualy topic of the post – unconventional places to have sex’…
I’ve always wanted to have sex in an airport….never maind the plane it’self,,,that’s cliche….but the airport – there’s cameras and heavy security everywhere. The risk factor for getting caught is very high. I like that.