We will walk hand in hand down this path
Our sights set before us, our steps even
No ill shall touch us, nor overcome us
No entity will reach us, and drag us off
We are going to our Stedding, Uncle
We are going Home, together, finally
I lost you this week, and it brought me to my knees
Knowing I had lost you on this path earlier
The tears fell down my pale white cheeks
My blue eyes countered all that I saw
And I knew that I had to stay for my flesh family
You waited there, at the fork of the road for me
I cried for you, and you heard me
Your hand on my shoulder as I walked still
” It’s ok. I’m happy here. I am fine…”
You whispered to me in the crowded public space
And I smiled, a sad but happy smile
You were the comfort I looked for and found
Those closest to me ran, unable to help
Those I had waged war with had paused and silenced
I looked to my loved one, and saw him in silence
Without a word, he did not touch me, he ran
You saw this, my Uncle and said “He will come back.”
I have to believe you Uncle, you know more than I now
So let us walk this final path, this path of black roses
Of the daylight streaming through broken clouds
And the path wet with raindrop tears, We are now Free
You in your black, I in my white… I guide you down
You lift me up and say “Live for me”
I smiled once more, a little more happy, comforted
And finally not so numb or cold.
Thank you Uncle…. You are my reason to live now.
To know this life and come to you later and say
“I lived. I loved. I am now with you.”
I lost my uncle this week. Yesterday. 31/5/06.
No one saw this coming, we all thought someone els would go but not my youngest Uncle, and not the on who encouraged us, who was smiling, sincere and faithful.