Darkest greetings one and all….
Alas, I step from the shadows to introduce myself, after standing back and deciding whether to commit myself to this family. You have won my respect, thus here I stand, in the open. Please allow me a few minutes to introduce myself…
I have been called by many names; temptor, saviour, blasphemer, and evil incarnate to name a few… but you may address me as Sidonia DeMornay. Or, for the few whom I have come to know on a more personal basis, Sid will do just fine. As you may have seen on my profile, I an indeed The Huntress… taught by the best, to surpass even my teacher.
I value pain as pleasure, and though I spent time as a Dominatrix by trade, the simple fact is that I have never been, nor will I ever be the prey. I may not feast upon the blood and souls of others, yet I feed on something deeper, carnal, and much more gratifying… more drawn out, and therefore a longer-lasting indulgence than the occasional feeding.
Currently I take up residence in Seattle, although I have a home in California as well. Where there is vice and pleasure to be had, there shall you find me.
For those who are curious, my most recent photo is posted in the “Member Picpost” area, titled Contemplation … also posted is a photo from some months past (Unadorned) in which I am sans gear (a rareity), and finally a photo taken years past, (Victorious) on the day in which I finally bettered my own teacher, and claimed as my trophy that which I hold in front of me; my token of voctory.
For the sake of conversation, I prefer both men and women… though I detest the title of “bisexual” as it implies there must be a name attached to the simplicity of a mind merely open to any and all forms of pleasure. In my not-so-humble opinion (of which I have many), there is no more perfect work of art than that of woman, height, shape, size unimportant… all are beautiful; as there is no more intoxicating experience than that of the sheer raw power within a man’s feral, animalistic lust. Both are wonderful, both are perfect.
From time to time I shall post ramblings, poetry, and gods only know what else… otherwise, if anyone wishes to correspond directly with me, I extend the invitation to PM me and I shall divulge my personal email address whereupon I can be reached. My experience thus far with the other members here has been both intriguing and pleasurable, and I welcome you one and all to join me in The Hunt, as I hope to be welcomed in turn.
Until next time, I remain…
The Huntress
Sidonia DeMornay