The face of the moon peers like an innocent child
Through the open windows
Its transparent eyes crying a thousand
milky tears on the dark, wild sea.
I hear the sound of waves exhaling on
the sandy shore.
A chill zephyr caresses my curtains, billowing them into the air and
letting them
I breathe deeply and smell a dank coppery fragrance.
The moon pulses with an electric white light,
Standing stark against
the blackness of the night.
I look out my window at the shadowed world
beneath me
Everything splashed in the
Silvery blaze
I see a silhoutetted shape seated on the bench
outside my house
The figure turns toward me and
Gestures in recognition
I stare very hard at the cloaked shadow, certain I recognise its form
But before I have a chance to identify it,
It slips out
of the tarnished bronze light
And into the gloomy shadows
And disappears as silently
as it arrived.
I hear an eerie bark in the distance, and a lupine howl echoes and silences the bark abruptly
The coming dawn is still
And silence
Reigns with the moon once again…