do sex and socks mix?
how about jewellery?
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: sex
@maestro wrote:
seeing that the fetish topic didnt really find it’s followers lets start with something more easy 😉
do sex and socks mix?
how about jewellery?
Prawn always has socks… and I admit, something sexy about socks being left on. Knee high’s espeshially. I’m not talking novelty South Park socks or anything..
After all, stockings work, so why not socks?
Jewellery is fine and as a matter of fact I’m getting a razor necklace mae up, so you can guarantee that sucker and a smile will be all that the boi wears in the bedroom. *cackles*
Fully clothed is also fun… something dirty and exciting about a clothed quickie.
that’s true. A little of corporeal mortification is never bad. Pain is good.
Socks are fine but I`d prefer it if the boots were still on them 😉
Aaah, nothing beats a girl with jewelry and boots in bed. 😀
Boots are a must! How can one suggest it without?? 😈 Hmmm let me think… definately my “jewelry” (aka my gear), though I agree with V … clothed is always fun. Now that I think of it, I believe it is my favourite type of lay…. besides painful, that is. And on the ground. Outside. Ahh I digress…..
Usual attire: Lace-up boots (yes I’m victorigoth, say anything and it shall be the whip for you! *wicked giggle*) … my favourite black corset (fetish anyone?) and a long velvet skirt. Alas my “gear” stays on, including my hidden-knife-crucifix and my various daggers. One of these days I’ll post a photo of my usual attire in full, but I haven’t heard enough pillow talk yet. 😈
~Sidonia DeMornay
The Huntress
It really depends on the mood….but in genral No socks…on me as it is..her fine…as long as they are the knee highs and all that as was previously stated….but if I have socks on i better still have my shoes and pants on…..mayhaps im just a bit pecular when it comes to this but i cant even stand sleeping with socks on “shutter” ……but yes socks….socks have to come off…..
socks….might be almost acceptable in winter….but generally – i like for both of us to be completely naked….guess i’m a bit more of a naturalist….
Hmmm why does socks on guys remind me of British Men? Every British Man I have known always wears their socks for a romp I don’t like it. Now Girls wearing stockings something sexy is ok. I want my man totally naked I have a foot fetish so that is why. Jewelry is ok especially if used in the act. Nothing like real pearls on skin.
just been thinking about it… socks are not cool….i think its kinda disrespectful for a man to leave his socks on in bed….yeah – was searching for the right word to describe it, but i think disrespectful is it.
I dont mind keeping on some of the lingerie I’m wearing – but that’s usually more for his benefit than mine…
girls should not be sleeping with either of those necro….. men shouldnt be sleeping with those either….
i think its kinda disrespectful for a man to leave his socks on in bed
I noticed ….. 🙄
hmmmm…… i think my lover could leave his school uniform on – that might be hot…. mmm….school boys…..