- Dieses Thema hat 22 Antworten sowie 5 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 18 Jahren von
maestro aktualisiert.
20060920 um 0848 Uhr #841
I have discovered, after making my 300th post in the forums that my ranking (i dont know what else to call it) is ‘Old Fart’ – that’s not cool.
Please can it be changed to something sexy. Like VTK Secretary or VTK Blonde Bombshell.
I’m not impressed with ‘Old Fart’.
Seriously not impressed. 😕
20060921 um 1129 Uhr #6418
I guess it means you just have to keep posting till it goes away lol…
20060921 um 1205 Uhr #6419
still very unimpressed…
20060921 um 1211 Uhr #6420
Mu I sugest a new title …
very unimpressed old fart 8) -
20060921 um 1215 Uhr #6421
No you may not.
Having a total sense of humour failure here.
20060921 um 1350 Uhr #6422
obviously you’re the only one there 😉
20060921 um 1447 Uhr #6423
I see we’re having a good laugh at my expense….
very mature guys…
and yes, as an unimpressed old fart I am permitted to lord my maturity over you all and say….” YOU SUCK!!! “
20061008 um 1307 Uhr #6424
ok….so how long do i have to wait for the novelty of having me as a ‘Very Unimpressed Old Fart’ wears off for you guys, huh?
what can i do to hasten the process?
20061008 um 2054 Uhr #6425
Simply not talk about it 😀
Every mention brings tears to my eyes ^^Actually the ranking system develops into a pain in the arse, since we need to add more and more ranks or shift the rank criteria all the time. I’ll come up with something in the next days, promise
20061009 um 1210 Uhr #6426
uhuh uhuh….. 😥 😥 😳
20061009 um 1350 Uhr #6427
next days 🙄
20061009 um 1756 Uhr #6428
Patience is one of the many virtues I lack…. 😥
20061009 um 1949 Uhr #6429
I find it terrible guys that you aren’t taking this seriously. A valued and long standing member has a request and all you can do is reply with humour at their expense.
You should be ashamed, moving on to the question..
@LoveWithDiamonds wrote:
what can i do to hasten the process?
Naked pictures or used panties… anything maestro can sell on ebay for beer money. More beer = faster shit gets done.
20061010 um 1229 Uhr #6430
Naked pictures……hmmm…..never done that before….wouldn’t even know where to begin or what to do….. 😥 😯
20061011 um 0639 Uhr #6431
@Vorsuc wrote:
Naked pictures or used panties… anything maestro can sell on ebay for beer money. More beer = faster shit gets done.
Your wisdom is still unmatched, Vorsuc-san
there’s nothing more to nude pics than to pictures like the rest of your’s – just that you are in a shower, no pants, soap, water, rubber duck, dildo, towel, blow dryer. See? -
20061012 um 0956 Uhr #6432
explain to me how a hair dryer in the shower is a good idea??? ❓ 😯
20061012 um 1423 Uhr #6433
See you went straight to the health and safety issue, me I’m pondering what pr0n M has that involves rubber ducks…
I don’t know if I still have admin here, if so I’ll sort you out with a title on the basis you didn’t say ‘no’ heh.
20061012 um 1540 Uhr #6434
“VTK High Command” kinda implies that
Infact if you come up with something i needn’t invent those ranks myself 😛
20061013 um 1125 Uhr #6435
How about “VTK exhibitionist” ?
Maby one day the sought after title of “VTK SLUT!” *echo echo echo* will be yours,
But untill that glorious day of wonder, you might just might just have to be content with “very unimpressed old fart” 😉 -
20061015 um 0911 Uhr #6436
I do indeed like VTK Exhibitionist….and wish I’d read that instead of suggesting ‘Post Whore’….
But never mind – I suppose that can be the ranking to aspire to…500 posts later…I’m sure….
But thank you awfully for sorting my title out….
I rather like it…. 😉
20061015 um 0952 Uhr #6437
Have fun with it while it lasts 😉
And come up with something for 500
20070105 um 1605 Uhr #6438
I went from Newbie to Regular, and then Regular to Member, in no time. But i’ve been stuck on Member for ages, how many posts do i need to get in before it goes up?
And when it does can i have Big Member just to stroke my enormous……ego? 😉
20070105 um 2217 Uhr #6439
Dude, you can’t be elite lord of the undead with a hundred posts, we need something in stock incase someone reaches 5000 😀
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