I have a huge assignment due tomorrow morning. It’s now Sunday…almost midday….and I’ve been putting this f*cker off for about 2 weeks now.
I can’t seem to get myself motivated for it…
And all my friends are going to Wine Week, dressing up as old folk and going to get smashed tonight….And I dont know if I’ll be able to go unless I finish this assignment….
And even that is not impetus enough for me to get cracking on this bloody assignment!!!
I’m so over Clinical Law – I hate it, I dont know why the hell I took it, it’s the biggest load of shit ever….such a badly organised course….and it does not bring out a good side in me…(Clinical Law is a course that’s basically has students working in the Legal Aid offices – we have to interview clients, draft legal documents, do all the shitty work…But it also has a ‘pseudo-academic’ component – where they ‘teach’ us about things like Impact Litigation and Media Advocacy…. )
I know this rant probably wont mean anything to anyone… but I need to get this off my chest…. I think my contempt of this course is pretty apparent…
If anyone has some inspirational words for me? Lol…
I’d appreciate someone kicking my ass into gear so I can stop procrastinating…