Even I a self proclaimed night owl, and lover of the midnight sky shall occasionally give praise to the great star that dominates our horizion during the day. Often enough i have found my self in similar situations staring up at the night sky listening to the ticks of my watch as the seconds echo in my mind, amidst the truly silent night. It is here in this moment that my gaze turns west ward ever mindful of the tale tale sings that herald the comming of the sun. So thus I give you this as always Enjoy
Pitch black and colder than winter’s dawn
This moonless night carries a chill that soaks the bone
Spoken words make miniature clouds thick with daggers of ice
Taken in this fog knifes the lungs violently
Visions of daylight occupy one’s thoughts
Tendrils of warmth stretch from the bright star,
Caressing one with their touch
High upon the stone mount, staring into the dark
Warm thoughts and thick clothes the only defense
Soon Apollo will chase the dark,
Blazing a trail across the horizon
In his wake soldiers of the frozen night give way.
Nicholas Nav`re