Life as we know it, can be summed up thusly.
Each individual today is nothing more than an autonomous mass blindly driving about the world.
His own personal conveyance nothing more than a four wheeled gas powered representation of his true self.
Steel and aluminum poles adorned with colored lights and oddly shaped signs tell him where to go and when to do it.
Once in a while when they’re waiting for direction these monstrous Petrol guzzlers sit and stare at the pretty lights.
Oblivious to the fact, that long ago the color has changed and the rest of the world moves on around them
It is in this moment, that lighting strikes, and he pauses to wonder.
What will happen if I go left, can I just sit here and do nothing if I so choose.
Short lived are these ideas of freedom, loud noises assault him from all sides, air horns and rude threats abound.
Slowly his foot steps down and he travels forward once again,
Conforming to those around him.
Here it is, that I sit now, stopped at this light and I to wonder
Should I stay and claim my individuality as a prize.
Do I yield to my aggressors joining the flow around me,
becoming lost in the defeat.
Hollywood ist mittlerweile wie ein gigantischer, verrosteter Kassettenrekorder in Dauerschleife. Da fragt man sich schon,…