😈 ok son i hated the suon too why wouldnt you it hurts your eyes doesnt it and it’s true that some normal people can like blood. but seriously kid, u think that you’re a vampyre? i think that you’ve watched to many vampire movies for one thing. and as far as the blood well that could mean that you have a blood fetish. there MUCH more to this than hating the son and liking blood. so i am sorry 2 dissapoint you. u r 2 young 4 this site anyway young blood. Ma3sTr0 is right come back when u are older mmm k. or hell stay if you like, just stop thinking that all that shit in the movies u watch is real. if you want info ask sum of us and i will give you some and i’m sure that the others will too. but do not go around thinking and teeling people that you are a vampyre, that will get you no respect or power nor will it have people fearing you. they will laugh in your face and that will only make you mad and probably end up getting you into trouble for fighting some punk ass snot nosed little brat. you seem sweet and such a cutie lol, so just be kool okay. take our advice because we know what we are talking about here, the FACTS and not the FICTION of some vampire movie okay 😈 😀
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…