Yes I finaly have time to put some of my poems up hope u like..the first is lame tho sorry:(
When you lost your soul you tore me apart,
You hurt me,You killed me…..
But yet,I still want you!
I still love you!
Why do I love you after you hurt me so??
As I sit in this dark room of mine,I cry.
I cry to know you more,
I cry to love you more.
But it hurts, it hurts to cry about you,
I wish to stop crying.
Help me stop crying about you!
*thats the first one,i like the other one better,and i hope u do to*
As I pick you up,
You are cold in my hand.
As I place you on my bare skin you are weight-less,
but still cold.
As I use you to slice though my skin,I start to bleed,
You are warmed by my blood on your steel blade.
As I lick away the blood,you beg me for more.
So I cut again for you and me,
Again, I cut and lick the blood
away,and again you want more.
So I cut again, but as I cut,
I hit a vein,
Now the blood will not stop,
I am drowning in it.
And so I die, never to cut again!
With you my blade……..
*well thats it for now hope u like it,and plz say somtihng about it just dont read it..thankz!*