So today there are several people around campus with big signs that say things like “let jesus love you.’ Whatever. So that’s apparently not enough. They’ve got to shout at everyone who passes by how they’re living in a world of sin, we’re all going to burn, the world is doomed, etc. All of this just kind of annoys me, I really don’t want to listen to your sermon as I walk to class, but anywhos. What I find amusing about the whole this=ng is they’re preaching all this jesus and live in the lord stuff, but… don’t go to church. Church is full of hypocrites. ….. ok poeple. now im confused. you want people to be good and love jesus, but not go to church. I really just want to ride by them all and throw them the pitch fork and shout go devils to see what they’d do. ( our school mascot is the sun devils). 😈
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…